Medicine door witch

Chapter 1633 God King 5 Transfer

Chapter 1633 God King Fifth Transfer (3)

This time, he didn't speak.

Instead, he bent down and stared at her closely with an extremely focused gaze.

Although she couldn't see his face, she could clearly feel the burning gaze and the deep love hidden in it.

In this world, I believe that there is no woman who can resist such a gentle and affectionate gaze.

He just kept staring at her like that, and kept...

Finally, the man seemed to be unable to bear it anymore. He gradually bent down in a very slow posture, and his thin lips full of evil spirits were printed on the girl's smooth forehead.

The kiss seemed tentative.

Seeing that she didn't respond, the man's smile deepened, and he said, "I want to kiss you, is that okay?"

The girl didn't respond, let alone give him any response.

The smile on the man's lips widened, and he said, "If you don't speak, I'll take it as your agreement."

It was her own taste, and he couldn't help but immerse himself in it, unable to extricate himself.

She must be alive.

His Adam's apple moved slightly, revealing a very greedy expression.


Not a trace of temperature.

At the same time, there was no trace of blood.

However, this did not hinder his obsession in the slightest.

Ling Luo had a very strange feeling, she felt that she was that girl, and the man was kissing herself.

The touch on the lips is so clear.

A man's patience has reached its peak.

He has plenty of time, he can even kiss her tirelessly all night without stopping.

Every time she dreamed about this evil and terrifying dark man, she would wake up with fright.

This time is no exception.

She finally couldn't bear this feeling of horror, and suddenly opened her eyes.

The moment she opened her eyes, she saw a magnified handsome face.

She met a pair of eyes as deep as black holes.

A strong fear came to my heart.


Ling Luo pushed the man away violently and let out a cry.

What a terrifying situation when dreams and reality overlap!


Xuanyuan Yu was pushed away by his wife's force, and he stepped back, bumping into the edge of the bed.

With a look of surprise on his face, he looked at his pale wife, stepped forward again, took her slightly trembling body into his arms, and asked, "Luo'er, what's wrong with you? Did you have a nightmare?"

Before, in the early morning.

He also used this method to wake her up by kissing her before, but every time it was extremely warm, it never happened like this.

It was only then that Ling Luo noticed that the man in front of her was her husband Xuanyuan Yu, not the scary dark man in her sleep.

She was in shock.

"I... I had a nightmare."

A fine layer of sweat had already formed on Ling Luo's forehead.

"Why are you always having nightmares recently?" Xuanyuan lowered his head, a pair of very beautiful peach blossom eyes flashed with worry, he stretched out a thug, and gently wiped the cold sweat off her forehead, his voice was full of Concerned, "Is there something on your mind?"

Ling Luo's face was as pale as paper, and she shook her head lightly, even her voice was a little weak, and said, "No, it's because of refining the spiritual power of the source of God, so I often dream about things related to my previous life."

Xuanyuan Yu was taken aback for a moment, but his big hands that wiped Ling Luo's sweat stopped.

What happened in the previous life?
Thrilling nightmare?
The first thing that popped up in his mind was the scene where the Dark Lord killed Mansha with his own hands.

No wonder she has nightmares.

Anxiety suddenly flashed across Xuanyuan Yu's heart.

Suddenly he felt frightened.

The two were old enemies in the previous life, and there were indications that he had personally killed her in the previous life.

If she remembered everything, would she leave him?

The emotion of fear gradually expanded, and someone began to have a big brain.

Ling Luo noticed Xuanyuan Yu's abnormal mood.

She stretched out a little cold hand, covered his big warm hand, and said with a smile: "It's dawn, it's time to get up and go."

"Well, good." Xuanyuan Yu's voice was a little weak.

He got up to dress and wash.

But a pair of eyes have been staring at her steadfastly, never leaving for a moment.

Sensing Xuanyuan Yu's scorching gaze, Ling Luo raised her head, cast a questioning look, and asked, "Are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?"

(End of this chapter)

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