Medicine door witch

Chapter 1634 God King 5 Transfer

Chapter 1634 God King Fifth Transfer (5)

"No." Xuanyuan Yu shook his head, well concealed the worry in his dark eyes, and smiled, "I think my wife is pretty."

Ling Luo couldn't help laughing, and let out a burst of laughter.

Seeing her smiling like a flower, the curve of Xuanyuan Yu's lips became deeper and deeper.

He couldn't express how he felt at the moment.

He felt that as long as he could watch her smile, it would be a great happiness.

I don't know why, but there is always a feeling in his heart that she is already by his side, but he still feels that he may lose her at any time.

Is he too worried about gains and losses?
It should not be.

His intuition has always been accurate.

I always feel that some unimaginable and unexpected things will happen on the road between the two of them in the future.

"Come on, let's go to the street for breakfast."

After Ling Luo washed up, she followed Xuanyuan Yu out of the wooden house.

It's better to go out early in the morning.

So instead of wasting time making breakfast by themselves, the two wore silver hideous masks and went out in disguise.

The two ate some casually on the street, and then headed towards the south gate of Bisuo City.

After about half an hour, we arrived at our destination.

The city of Bisso is under martial law recently. It is very difficult to sneak out through the main entrance as long as one is not allowed to enter.

The building of the south gate is very high, and the city wall is several hundred meters long.

The elves all have wings, so at the top of the city wall, they blessed the spell that does not allow the use of wings to fly.

Qianlong squatted on Ling Luo's shoulder, raised Heimiao's head, his red-black eyes narrowed slightly, forming a crescent shape, staring fixedly at the enchantment on the south gate wall, the corners of his lips There was an arc of disdain.

"Hell, what's the matter, is there a problem?" Ling Luo stretched out a hand, and gently stroked Fujianlong's furry head.

"The magic technique blessed on the city wall is at the level of the Martial Emperor." The cheap dragon's eyes were bright, and his voice was full of confidence, "For the emperor who has already fused a dragon horn, it is not difficult. The possibility of success Sex is over 90.00%."

"Let's go then!"

Ling Luo's beautiful eyes darkened slightly, and the corners of her lips curled up in a bewitching arc.


The cheap dragon leaped into the air, and its black meow body immediately transformed into a pitch-black ancient super fire dragon with tens of thousands of palms in length.

Accompanied by a dragon chant, Ling Luo and Xuanyuan Yu climbed onto Jianlong's back.

The moment the cheap dragon transformed into its real body, it emitted a very strong and powerful dragon's breath, which immediately shocked all the dark elves around the south gate.

Since there is no way to avoid the alarm, the best way is to leave this area as quickly as possible.

The dragon is majestic, and the red-black flame burns one side of the sky.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa—"

With a roar from the prison, the howling dragon's roar went straight to the sky.

The dragon roared, and the sound wave was transmitted.From the clouds in the sky, to the entire earth, and the air between the sky and the earth, they are all shaking.

On the forehead on the right side of the prison, on the mighty dragon horn, a black and golden light with a radius of [-] meters condensed, and launched a fierce offensive towards the magic enchantment blessed in the sky above the Nanmen city wall.


There was a loud noise.

All the dark elves guarding the south gate of Bisuo City couldn't help but raise their heads, and saw that the impenetrable magical enchantment on the city wall was pierced by a huge skeleton, and black smoke continued to be emitted.

(End of this chapter)

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