Medicine door witch

Chapter 1649 Thunder Flame Brilliant Blade

Chapter 1649 Thunder Flame Brilliant Blade (10)

An angry plus sign appeared on Ling Luo's head.She stretched out her hand again and rewarded Jianlong with a violent chestnut.

"Oops! This emperor is hurting to death!"

Jianlong stretched out two black claws, held the big bulge on his head, curled his mouth aggrieved.

Ling Luo lowered her head and asked sternly, "Where did you get the seven-sha's obscene fruit?"

The cheap dragon said listlessly: "It's on the edge of the swamp."

"But the Eternal Swamp?" Ling Luo's heart skipped a beat.

The humble dragon grunted, flicked its tail, and said, "How would I know, that in the dark swamp at the southwest corner, there are just a few colorful fruits on the bare branches. The emperor looked pretty, so he picked one."

Ling Luo stood up and said, "Take me to have a look."

"Hey? Why?" Qianlong looked at Ling Luo very puzzled, and asked, "Do you really want to use this kind of lewd fruit with that kid Xuanyuan Yu to increase the boudoir's love-interest... Oops!"

Before he finished speaking, Jianlong received another blow on the head.

"Is your wretched mind full of mud, can you think of something reliable?" Ling Luo couldn't help twitching the corners of his eyes and lips, and said, "Where there are seven shackles, there must be seven shackles." Inflammation haunts."

"Qishayan, what is that?" Jianlong raised his head with a puzzled look on his face.

Ling Luo sighed softly, and said, "It's a shame that you are still an ancient extremely fire dragon, and you don't know anything about different fires?"

"The black extreme fire controlled by the emperor is the king's fire, why do you need to know about those strange fires who are the courtiers?" Jianlong looked very disdainful.

Ling Luo shook his head, and said: "Qishayan is not an ordinary strange fire, it is the most evil and difficult to catch among the thirteen kinds of strange fires, and it is usually accompanied by at least three different strange fires. , as a follower."

The pointed triangular meow ears of the cheap dragon moved slightly.

"That is to say, Qishahuo is the leader of the rebellion among the thirteen different fires, leading the other three to escape from human sight." Ling Luo's eyes darkened slightly, and said, "This was all 1000 years ago. The master Xiling Muxue who taught me all the knowledge of refining medicine told me. No one has ever been able to collect all the thirteen different fires, all because of Qishayan."

In her body, there are already nine different fires.

Eight of them were obtained by her mother-in-law Xiling Yunqing inadvertently when she was testing herself in Huoluan Palace.

There is another kind, which was given to me by Fu Dong, the big brother of the Holy Fire Hall, in order to thank him for saving his life.

In other words, there are only four kinds of different fires out of the thirteen kinds.

The four kinds of rebellious flames headed by Qishayan are likely to be in the place where Qishayan's obscene fruit was born that Qianlong said.

If the thirteen different fires can be gathered at one time, then she will become the No.1 of all ages.

Ling Luo was a little excited.

Under the long sleeves, a pair of plain hands were slowly clenched, and a layer of wet sweat appeared on the palms.

Master Xiling Muxue once said that once the thirteen kinds of strange fires gather together, they will produce shocking visions and condense unknown and terrifying power.

The more he thought about it, the more excited Ling Luo was.

"Let's go, Prison." Ling Luo got up, and his eyes drifted to the southwest direction of the Eternal Swamp.

Jianlong froze for a moment and asked, "It's so late, are you sure?"

PS: It’s the beginning of the month, please ask for a ticket, if you have a monthly ticket or a recommended ticket, please vote for me, (*^__^*) hehe...

(End of this chapter)

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