Medicine door witch

Chapter 1650 Demon Realm Deputy Lord

Chapter 1650 Demon Realm Deputy Lord (1)

"You lead the way and set off immediately." Ling Luo's beautiful eyes darkened slightly, flashing a flash of determination, "Qishayan is a very cunning strange fire that may migrate at any time, if we set off again tomorrow morning, it is likely to be gone There."

"Okay, that's up to you." Qianlong nodded, and jumped onto Ling Luo's shoulder.

The two headed southwest, and after about a stick of incense, they finally reached the edge of the Eternal Swamp.

"That's it."

Qianlong squatted on Ling Luo's shoulder, stretched out a black paw, and pointed to a dark area ahead.

Ling Luo frowned slightly. Even though it was late at night, she possessed the ability of night vision.

Nearby, there is an endless mountain, covered with greenery, and under the vast starry sky, it looks unusually quiet.

"Here? But there's no entrance at all?" Ling Luo asked with a puzzled expression.

"The entrance is there."

Qianlong leaped, jumped directly from Ling Luo's shoulders into the haystack on the ground, headed towards the nearest small mountain wall, and stopped at a corner covered by thick and lush vines.

He stood up, fiddled with the two black cat paws, and what was exposed in front of his eyes was a hole that only allowed one person to crawl forward.

"Last time, this emperor entered from here. There is a small valley inside, and there is a clear deep pool in the center of the valley. The fruit of the seven brakes grows in the center of the deep pool."

A look of embarrassment flashed across Ling Luo's face, her beautiful eyes were fixed on the hole, the corners of her eyes twitched slightly, and she said, "You don't want me to just crawl in like this, do you?"

Jianlong chuckled and said, "A man can bend and stretch."

As he said that, he "slipped" and got into the cave in the mountain.

Ling Luo was helpless: "It really doesn't hurt my back to stand and talk."

In the current black cat form of the cheap dragon, it is not a problem to pass through such a small cave, but I am a girl...

"Forget it." Ling Luo sighed softly.

For the sake of Qishayan, for the sake of the other four different fires, and for the sake of gathering the thirteen different fires, let's bear it for now.

Thinking of this, she took a few steps forward, squatted down at the entrance of the cave, then got down on her stomach, and crawled forward in the small cave.

The small cave is relatively deep and twists and turns. There are about three bends in total. After climbing for about a quarter of an hour, it came to the end.

very magical.

The exit of the small cave on the mountain turned out to be the tree hole of an old pagoda tree in the valley.

When Ling Luo came out of the tree hole, his head was covered with dust and dead leaves, and he looked a little embarrassed.

She stretched out a hand, arranged her appearance casually, and saw that about 800 meters ahead, there was indeed a clear deep pool as Jianlong said.

The pool water was rippling with blue waves, and under the starlight all over the sky, it shone with an extremely quiet luster, and the water surface was covered with smoke and mist.

"Little Luo."

Jianlong had been waiting for Ling Luo by the entrance of the locust tree for a long time, when he saw her come out, he quickly jumped onto her shoulder, lying obediently as usual.

"It's that deep pool."

Ling Luo nodded, a sparkle flashed across her beautiful eyes, and she walked towards the deep pool with steady steps.

(End of this chapter)

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