Medicine door witch

Chapter 2307 Xu I Changhuan, accompany me Chang'an

Chapter 2307 Xu I Changhuan, accompany me Chang'an (1)

In the next five years, no, or in other words, it doesn't take five years, he will definitely find a way to kill Qiancheng, kill the main god, and completely lift the shackles that fetter the husband and wife.

"Luo'er, what happened during your time in Yunli Immortal Mansion?" Xuanyuan Yu was very concerned.

Ling Luo said with a slight smile: "One day in the outside world, one year in the Immortal Mansion. I have spent ten years in the Immortal Mansion. If I hadn't been accompanied by Master and Xun'er, I am afraid it would be difficult to pass such a lonely and boring day."

The pain of the past, in today's terms, is nothing more than a passing cloud.


Xuanyuan Yu frowned slightly.

This is not the first time he has heard this title from his wife.

"Didn't Luo'er's master, Venerable Moonlight, stay in the outside world all the time? How could he accompany you in the Yunli Immortal Mansion?"

Moreover, what puzzled him even more was that when Luo'er saw him, he just opened his eyes and called him "Master".

"It's this master."

Ling Luo stretched out her hand, a red light flashed, and suddenly a flying sword in the shape of a pagoda appeared in her palm.

"Sun Temple?" Xuanyuan Yu recognized it at a glance, with a puzzled look on his face, "What does it matter?"

"Yu, do you still remember that I once told you that the Temple of the Sun is an artifact left behind by Emperor Wu Shi, one of the four emperors of the God Realm, when he repaired the Second Heaven?" Ling Luo's eyes were shining.

"Remember, you got the inheritance of the Sun Temple left by the Great Emperor Wushi, and recognized the master on the thousandth floor of the temple." Xuanyuan Yu narrowed his dark eyes and said, "You mentioned it to me before."

"Tell you, it's wonderful. When I was trapped in the Yunli Immortal Mansion, there were three stone gates in the main hall, which were firmly sealed. Among them, a mysterious person was trapped in the most central one. He taught me the method of cultivation, allowing me to jump into the secret realm of longevity in one fell swoop."

Ling Luo narrated the incident to Xuanyuan Yu enthusiastically, "Later, Jue He and Huang Quan came to rescue me and forcibly broke through the Immortal Mansion. Xun'er jumped out, and I fell down. I thought I was going to die. Unexpectedly, the mysterious person who was sealed in the stone gate turned out to be the Great Emperor Wushi, he was able to escape and rescued me!"

Xuanyuan Yu listened quietly, with deep black eyes and an unclear expression on his face.

Luo'er's adventure sounded very thrilling, but for some reason, he always felt weird, as if something was wrong.

Suddenly, a light flashed in Xuanyuan Yu's mind.

He thought about where the crux of the problem was.

"Luo'er, you said that the mysterious man is the Great Emperor Wushi, and Wushi is one of the four emperors of the God Realm. How could he be trapped in the Yunli Immortal Mansion?"

Ling Luo was taken aback, the smile on his face froze for a moment, his thin lips moved slightly, and he murmured: "Yes, Master has great powers, and he is a well-known figure in the God Realm, Fairy Yunli is just Jiuzhong The power of the sky, it stands to reason, cannot trap him..."

"and also!"

Xuanyuan Yu's face became more and more solemn, and his expression was particularly serious, and he said, "This is not the only problem. You said that when Jue He broke through the Yunli Immortal Mansion, Xun'er was ejected, but you fell. Why did you only Are you alone going to fall?"


Ling Luo frowned, her temples were slightly swollen, and she tried her best to recall the scene at that time, "At that time, I saw Jue He's hand reaching out and wanted to grab it, but there was a huge attraction behind him... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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