Medicine door witch

Chapter 2308 Xu I Changhuan, accompany me Chang'an

Chapter 2308 Xu I Changhuan, accompany me Chang'an (2)

"Huge attraction?" Xuanyuan Yu's eyes deepened further, "Where did the huge attraction come from? Why is it only aimed at you? Why didn't Xun'er, Xun'er was ejected directly. This is not at all It's in line with common sense."

Ling Luo's gaze was a little dull.

"I... I was in a dangerous situation at that time, and I only cared about the child in my stomach and was saved again. I didn't think so much."

"I didn't think about it that much before, but now I have to think about it seriously."

Xuanyuan Yu stretched out a hand, held his wife's cold hands tightly, and took a step forward, only an inch away from her eyes.

He looked straight at her, as if he wanted to see the depths of her soul, and said, "Luo'er, answer me, why did your master, the Great Emperor Wushi, suddenly get out of trouble?"

"Master said that it was because the vice-lord of the Demon Realm used a magic blade to destroy the barrier from the outside, so he had a chance to escape." Ling Luo relayed Wu Shi's original words to her husband.

"Did you believe what he said?"

Xuanyuan Yu's brows frowned even tighter, and an extremely dangerous color flashed across his black hole-like pupils, "What Jue He broke was nothing but the Xiaguang Baoqi enchantment outside the Yunli Immortal Mansion, and the stone gate array inside the Immortal Mansion. Fa, what does it matter?"

Ling Luo was at a loss for words, her thin lips were parted, unable to think of a rebuttal.

Indeed, what Yu said makes sense.

"Luo'er, you don't have a deep understanding of cave formations, but you are a different husband. You have a lot of experience in formations. External formations and internal formations are almost completely irrelevant." Xuanyuan Yu took a deep breath. In a low tone, he gave the final conclusion, "Luo'er, the Great Emperor Wushi didn't tell you his identity for ten years, and suddenly he broke through the stone gate, rescued you who fell down for some reason, and then Yunli Immortal Mansion disappeared and brought you to this valley."

"If Emperor Wushi really wanted to save you, why didn't he let you be taken away by Venerable Moonlight and Juehe? You have been friends for ten years, it is impossible for Emperor Wushi not to know that those people are your friends. He Why did you take you to this secluded and uninhabited valley without permission?"

Xuanyuan Yu analyzed clearly and logically, and found out all the problems.

With a heavy sigh, he stretched out his arms, put them on Ling Luo's shoulders, and said, "Luo'er, your master who appeared out of nowhere is not trustworthy at all. He has a problem."

Xuanyuan Yu didn't say the most important point.

Ling Luo lowered her head slightly, with a struggling look in her eyes, and said: "Yu, what you said is very reasonable, but in the past ten years, I have not felt even the slightest bit of malice from Master. He treats me like She is as kind and loving as if she were treating her own daughter."

"Perhaps, Emperor Wushi has no ill intentions towards you." Xuanyuan Yu gritted his teeth tightly, with a very unfriendly expression on his face, "However, what about him, about my child, can you guarantee it?"


Ling Luo's eyes became confused, as if thinking of something, she turned and said, "I remember, when I was in the Immortal Mansion, I just found out that I was pregnant, and Master once urged me to get rid of the child .”


Xuanyuan Yu's face suddenly became extremely stern, and his voice seemed to come from the ghost of hell.

"Especially, when Master, an old man, knew that the child's father was the reincarnation of the Dark Lord, he became even more persistent. He said that the child of the Demon Race would devour the mother's body."

(End of this chapter)

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