Medicine door witch

Chapter 2364 The Broken World

Chapter 2364 The Broken World (2)

As long as the son's blood is completely injected into that crack, there will be no more gods in this world, no more enemies who persecute her family of four all day long!
Without hesitation, Ling Luo ruthlessly charged towards Wushi's door of death.

However, when her hand was only half an inch away from Wushi's chest, it was firmly restrained by the always stronger hand.

Ling Luo was stunned, she raised her head, and unexpectedly met Di Wuchen's blue eyes, which were full of pleading, and said, "Madam Xuanyuan, no."

Ling Luo was very surprised.

What happened to this Di Wuchen?He was standing on his side just now, knocked the main god behind the back with a sap, and saved Xuelian, why did he defend the main god again in a blink of an eye?

"Why?" She didn't understand.

"Wuchen, you let Xiaoluo kill Wushi!" Xuelian was obviously very unhappy, she looked at Di Wuchen fixedly, and said, "Qiancheng is already dead, if Wushi dies, it will be over once and for all. "

"No!" Di Wuchen frowned, with a handsome face like an exiled fairy, very serious, and said righteously, "The Lord God can't die!"

Xue Lian was very moved just now, thinking that this man had finally enlightened, and in the face of loyalty and love, he chose love, but he didn't expect that he was still such an elm head.

"Wu Chen, why are you so stupid? You attacked Wu Shi from behind just now, if he doesn't die, you will be finished when he wakes up, understand?!" Xue Lian almost screamed.

Ling Luo's hand was still pressing down stubbornly, only half an inch away, let her press down!Press it!
It's a pity that Di Wuchen's cultivation in the God Realm was obviously much superior to Ling Luo's cultivation in the Sixth Heavenly Layer, and he firmly restrained her wrist, preventing her from moving even a bit.

"Xuelian, Mrs. Xuanyuan, if the main god dies, all of us will be finished!"

Forbearance flashed across Di Wuchen's azure eyes, his expression became more serious, and his words were extremely sincere.

Ling Luo was infected by Di Wuchen's emotions, she could feel that Di Wuchen was not defending the Lord God, nor was he lying.

"What do you mean?" She didn't understand.

Di Wuchen sighed softly, his tone became more solemn, and said: "Madam Xuanyuan, if the main god dies, the entire universe will collapse."

"What?" Ling Luo frowned, unable to believe what she heard.

"Mrs. Xuanyuan, haven't you felt it yet?"

Di Wuchen stretched out a hand and pointed to the sky, "Look, there is a crack in the sky, and the ground is trembling all the time; listen, all the birds and beasts are crying."

Ling Luo raised her head and found that above the Nine Heavens, on the endless sky, there were indeed terrifying cracks, like scars.

The light began to collapse, and the dark demonic energy was transmitted from the cracks in the sky, and the dark wind gusts.

The ground is also constantly shaking, the magnitude is not too great, like a small earthquake.

She activated her keen six senses and listened carefully, and she heard the sad neighing of countless beasts and birds fleeing in groups in the nearby primeval forest.

"This—I thought it was because of the shocking effect of my cultivation when Yu and Wushi fought against each other." Ling Luo still couldn't believe it.

"If it's just the effect of the battle, then the battle is over now, why didn't it resume?"

(End of this chapter)

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