Medicine door witch

Chapter 2365 The Broken World

Chapter 2365 The Broken World (3)

Di Wuchen stared at Ling Luo with piercing eyes, trying to persuade her, and continued: "That's because the main god was injured, so the world began to show signs of collapse. These shattered tear stains will not disappear for a day!"

Ling Luo's face was pale.

"Mrs. Xuanyuan, you still have two children at home, and many relatives and friends. Now you can try to solve the Lord quickly, but have you ever thought about the consequences?"

Di Wuchen took a deep breath, his expression a little excited, "Your two sons will die, your husband will die, your younger brother will die, your apprentice will die, even Xuelian will die, and so will I. Death. In the entire universe, there are so many creatures, no one can escape the doom of extinction!"

Ling Luo's face became paler and paler.

Yu, Su Jue, Su Ling?No!
She was finally persuaded, and gradually gave up resistance, followed Di Wuchen's wishes, moved her hands away from Wushi's chest, and put away the half jar of blood of gods and demons.

"Then what else can I do?" Ling Luo's expression was extremely depressed, his voice was full of despair, he looked at Di Wuchen, and said, "You told me that the Lord God cannot die? As long as he dies, the world will collapse. We are all going to die? Could it be that my family and friends and I can only live under his lust forever, be bullied by him, and be in constant fear? Is the Lord God really irresistible?"

Ling Luo's voice was not high, but every sentence was shocking, full of pain and despair.

Not reconciled!
She is so unwilling!

"Not irresistible."

Di Wuchen looked at Ling Luo steadfastly, his azure eyes narrowed slightly, and a faint light flashed across them.

"What did you say?!"

The gloom in Ling Luo's eyes disappeared in an instant, and the color of hope flashed across. She seemed to have grasped the last straw, stretched out her hand, and firmly grasped Di Wuchen's arm. She gritted her teeth and said, "You Better be clear!"

Ling Luo was very excited, her heart was beating like a drum, and the blood in her whole body was flowing backwards.

"Mrs. Xuanyuan, do you know that the Lord God, in the final analysis, is a force, enough to control the entire world and maintain the balance of the entire universe?"

Ling Luo shook her head and said, "This is the first time I've heard of such a statement. Lord God, shouldn't it be a person?"

"On the surface, the main god is indeed in the form of a person. That's because what you see without beginning is just a container for the power that maintains the balance of the entire universe."

Di Wuchen's eyes drifted to Wushi's power lying on the ground covered in blood and comatose, and said: "He is the first one to be chosen, a body that can withstand the power of the main god. Power is unconscious, Wushi has own consciousness."

Ling Luo frowned slightly, and understood somewhat, and said: "You mean, if I kill Wushi right now and destroy this body chosen by the power of the main god, the power that maintains the normal operation of the world will be destroyed. If you go berserk, it will collapse, the entire universe will be out of balance, and all living beings will be wiped out?"

Di Wuchen nodded, and said: "Madam is really smart, that's what I mean. It's not a big deal if Wu Shi died. But in this world, there is no second body that can hold the power of the main god. You If you kill him, you will destroy yourself."

He has been by the main god's side all year round, and he knows the most secrets of the main god.

(End of this chapter)

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