Medicine door witch

Chapter 2381 You don’t understand the world of cruel children

Chapter 2381 You don’t understand the world of cruel children (6)

"There is one more thing to remind Madam." Ouyang Yiyun said with a slightly dignified expression, "Over the years, every time the Demon Sky Territory is opened, the Yu Clan will send a large number of disciples to go deep into the northwest desert to find the sky. Yizhenshui. If you run into someone from the Yu Clan, you'd better take a detour, the Yu Clan is one of the top ten families in the sixth heaven, so don't mess with them."

Ling Luo nodded.

This meal of Suanni treasure meat is really worth it, in exchange for so much useful information.

After chatting with Ouyang Yiyun for a few more words, the two separated, heading in different directions.

Ling Luo took a family of four and a big black cat and headed northwest.

Ling Luo didn't know exactly which direction the desert in the northwest was in, so he could only walk and ask along the way.

"Well, my lord, do you know how long it will take to get to the northwest desert?"

After driving for a month, Ling Luo still couldn't see the shadow of the desert, and couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Just in time, I saw a few young disciples in front of me, all of them were of extraordinary temperament and attire, they could be seen as coming from famous schools.

But who knows, when those young masters saw Ling Luo, their faces turned pale.And when their eyes fell on the two extremely beautiful milk dolls on the big fat cat beside Ling Luo, their eyes were full of fear.

"I...we don't know!"

The children of the aristocratic family immediately ran away without looking back, like a puff of smoke.

Ling Luo was at a loss.

She turned her head, looked at her husband suspiciously, and asked, "Do I look scary?"

Xuanyuan Yu shook his head, his extremely beautiful peach blossom eyes were full of smiles and pampering, and said, "My family Luo'er is as beautiful as a flower, and she is as beautiful as a country, how can it be scary?"

Ling Luo was very depressed, and said, "Then why do they see me as if they saw a scourge?"

Xuanyuan Yu looked at his little wife with a smile, and said, "They're not afraid of you, they're afraid of Su Jue and Su Ling."

"Afraid of what Sujue and Suling are doing?" Ling Luo became more and more puzzled, stretched out a hand, rubbed the heads of the two treasures in turn, and said, "My son is so cute and capable, it's not good to be liked .”

Xuanyuan Yu raised his eyebrows, his black eyes were as deep as the sea, and the corners of his lips curled up in a mysterious arc, and he said, "Luo'er, haven't you heard the legend of the bear boy along the way?"

Ling Luo frowned slightly, and said, "What is the legend about the brat?"

The smile on Xuanyuan Yu's lips became more and more mysterious, and he said: "This rumor has only been aroused in the past month. In the Demon Heaven Realm, there is a pair of very terrifying twins, who are very ferocious, and hunt them every day. Killing an immemorial remnant, digging out its heart for food, cooking precious blood and meat in a big pot, and devouring it. In the entire Demon Sky Territory, from the immemorial remnant to the cultivator, everyone is in danger... "

"Okay, okay, stop, stop!"

The corners of Ling Luo's eyes and lips twitched slightly, and he raised his hands to draw a big cross in front of his chest, calling out repeatedly to stop.

Xuanyuan Yu shrugged his shoulders, and nudged his mouth towards the twin brothers who were playing and playing on Jianlong's back.

Ling Luo was helpless.

Well, she admitted that the twins in her family were indeed a bit cruel, mischievous, and greedy.

What is one primordial remnant per day?
She had seen it with her own eyes. One day, two brats hunted and killed three primordial relics and ate them.

(End of this chapter)

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