Medicine door witch

Chapter 2382 You don’t understand the world of cruel children

Chapter 2382 You don’t understand the world of cruel children (7)

The child has been two months old and is growing at an astonishing speed. He looks about the same size as an ordinary one-year-old child.

It seems that Venerable Master Moonlight's decision is correct, let the baby enter the Demon Sky Realm, as expected, there are a lot of ancient relics, it eats well and grows fast.

A month ago, Su Jue and Su Ling were only able to spray words, but now they can talk.

"Mother, are they talking about me?"

Su Ling raised her head, blinked her eyes as bright as black pearls, with a sly smile on her lips, "However, I don't like the name bear kid."

"This Emperor thinks so too!"

The cheap dragon also responded, flicking its furry black tail, shaking its pointed ears, and said, "At least, it should also be called Shenwei Little Demon King!"

Su Jue looked cool, sitting at the back, her thin lips moved slightly, and said a word: "Earth."

Jianlong was greatly shocked, turned his head, and looked at Sujue with extremely sad eyes in his red-black eyes.

Seeing this scene, Ling Luo was immediately amused, and couldn't help bursting into laughter.

"Forget it, since no one wants to talk to us, let's explore the way by ourselves."

Ling Luo had already given up the idea of ​​asking passers-by, after all, the pair of live treasures behind her were too famous and eye-catching.

"There is a big bird's nest in front!"

With sharp eyes, Su Ling stretched out her hand, pointing to the west direction, her black eyes were shining brightly.

The low dragon's drooping ears immediately stood up, gritted his teeth, and said: "Go, Uncle Dragon Emperor will take you to dig out the eggs!"

Sujue raised her eyebrows, and with slightly narrowed eyes, she also looked in the direction her younger brother was pointing at.

It was a huge bird's nest with a height of three feet, built on an old dead wood stump, covering a large area, and the bottom of the bird's nest was full of bones.

Su Jue's eyes dimmed slightly, flashing across the hunter's eyes, and an invisible smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Since there are many bones, it means that the birds in the nest are very powerful. The stronger the birds, the more delicious the eggs they lay.

"Uncle Meow, let's go, let's smash bird nests and bake bird eggs!"

Su Ling was extremely excited, and stretched out a hand, like a general commanding thousands of troops.

The cheap dragon immediately blew up and jumped his feet angrily: "How many times have I said it, I want to be called Uncle Dragon Emperor!"

"Yes, Uncle Meow!" Su Ling's extremely beautiful peach blossom eyes turned into crescent moons, and she smiled brightly.

Cheap Dragon: "..."

Ling Luo sweated wildly: "Didn't you just hunt and kill a primordial relic and eat it an hour ago?"

"Just now it was dinner, now it's dessert." Su Ling stuck out her tongue and licked her lips, revealing her foodie nature, "I like roasted bird eggs the most."

In the next moment, Jianlong carried the two little demons and headed towards the big bird's nest not far away, with a "swish", it turned into a black shadow.

Xuanyuan Yu stretched out a hand, embraced his wife's slender shoulders, gently pressed her white and smooth face, and said: "They like to eat, let them eat, boys, Eat a lot to grow strong."

Not far away, the excited cries of Su Ling and Jian Long could be heard.

"There are three bird eggs! What luck!"

"Hey hey hey, come on, I am the best at roasting bird eggs, Uncle Dragon Emperor!"

"Okay! Uncle Meow is the best!"

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(End of this chapter)

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