Medicine door witch

Chapter 992 Regent Xuanyuan Zhiji

Chapter 992 Regent Xuanyuan Zhiji (3)

There was a faint smile on Ling Luo's lips, "You are the prince, and I am a high-level alchemist. When you meet a prince, you have the etiquette of meeting a prince, and when you meet an emperor, you have the etiquette of meeting an emperor."

When this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked.

The entire Senate all looked at Ling Luo with an extremely shocked gaze.

Does this sinner want to die?
How dare you offend the authority of the regent, who has power over the entire government?

Don't kneel down to the prince?In the Jialan Empire and the four affiliated countries, high-level alchemists do have the privilege of not needing to kneel when they see people other than the emperor, but this does not apply to Xuanyuan Zhiji!
Didn't this criminal girl see that when Xuanyuan Zhiji met His Highness the Crown Prince just now, he didn't even make a salute?

"Presumptuous! When you see this king, no matter what you are, you will all kneel down!"

Xuanyuan Zhiji was furious, his majesty had never been so seriously offended.

King Wu was furious, and the courtiers who had just stood up in the Senate immediately knelt down towards Xuanyuan Zhiji again.

"The regent is nine thousand years old, calm down!"

Facing this scene, Xuanyuan Yu's heart was quite shaken.

Because the old man was obsessed with cultivation, he irresponsibly left the Jialan Empire's large and small government affairs to Xuanyuan Zhiji, which led to the arrogant attitude of the current regent who claimed to be the emperor of the dynasty.

From the moment he was born, the government and the opposition have always been like this, but it has become more serious in recent years.

Since almost 80.00% of the entire government has fallen into Xuanyuan Zhiji's control, no one has ever dared to stand up and say a word no matter how arrogant he is.

Xuanyuan Yu's lips curled into a helpless smile.

His Luo Er.

I don't know who is to blame for her, or should I say that she doesn't understand the situation?
She's so smart, he doesn't believe she can't see the clues.

Or could it be said that Luo'er did it on purpose?
"Luo'er is nothing. Luo'er is just an ordinary courtier and daughter of a subordinate country under the majesty of the Jialan Empire." Ling Luo's complexion was as usual, her eyes were clear, and her voice was neither humble nor overbearing. Is it the Son of Heaven? May I ask the lord that you look like this, the one on the dragon chair in the Golden Palace of the Jialan Empire, does he know?"

As soon as Xuanyuan Yu's father was moved out, Xuanyuan Zhiji's face immediately became stiff.

After all, he is just a regent, and many things are not justified.

Xuanyuan Yu's complexion also changed, and turbulent waves swirled in his black hole-like pupils.

That's right, Luo'er did nothing wrong.

They came back this time to pull out the power of Xuanyuan Zhiji and Xuanyuan Yangyue head-on, and pave the way for Xuanyuan Ze to ascend the throne in the future.

If you blindly dodge and avoid it, it will be meaningless.

This final trial meeting of the Senate is the first head-to-head battle with Xuanyuan Zhiji, and the morale must not be lost!

"Uncle Emperor, is it true that the Crown Prince will kowtow and prostrate three times when he sees you?" Xuanyuan Yu's extremely cold eyes fell on Xuanyuan Zhiji's body, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his lips.

Xuanyuan Zhiji's face became even uglier.

His extremely ruthless eyes fell on Ling Luo. No matter how casual and unruly Xuanyuan Yu's previous temperament was, he would never take the initiative to find someone to confront him head-on.

Yang Yue was right.

It was all this sinner, she bewitched the prince!

(End of this chapter)

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