Medicine door witch

Chapter 993 Regent Xuanyuan Zhiji

Chapter 993 Regent Xuanyuan Zhiji (4)

She is the culprit, and she must be dealt with thoroughly!
"Hehe, Yu'er was joking." Although he was plotting a sinister plan in his heart, but still had a polite smile on the surface, Xuanyuan Zhiji restrained the sinister energy in his eyes and said, "Our uncle and nephew are originally a family. People, whether you say kneeling or not, it's too natural."

The tense atmosphere eased a little under Xuanyuan Yu's intervention.

However, the real secret war has only just begun.

"Okay, colleagues, please stand up too. Today's main task is to convene the Supreme Judgment Conference. Please take your seats."

Xuanyuan Zhiji and Xuanyuan Yu sat in the two most prestigious positions on the high ground, and other ministers also took their seats accordingly.

Only Ling Luo was left, still standing in the center of the hall.

"The Supreme Judgment Conference officially begins!"

This meeting was presided over by the First Elder Xuanyuan Gu, and Xuanyuan Yu and Xuanyuan Zhiji were just as the highest supervisors to observe and make the final decision.

"Ling Luo, the criminal girl, has three charges in total. First, she brutally murdered Jingying, the first female official next to Princess Yangyue. The crime of homicide should be punished."

Xuanyuan Gu's voice was up and down. As the first elder, he was the oldest and the oldest. He was probably over 60 years old, but his spirit was excellent, especially those extremely sharp eyes.

"Ling Luo, can you admit your first crime?"

Facing Xuanyuan Gu's questioning, Ling Luo's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and he slowly raised his head. His beautiful eyes were clear and burning on his beautiful little face.

"I am not guilty."

The corners of her lips curled slightly, her expression was indifferent, and she said, "I have never killed Jingying before."

Xuanyuan Gu's eyes narrowed dangerously, and his voice sank: "Ling Luo, our Senate will never judge people's crimes indiscriminately. We have witnesses for you killing Jingying."

Ling Luo raised her eyebrows.

Xuanyuan Gu also raised his eyebrows, and said loudly: "Witness witness Jing Shu!"

After a while, under the escort of two soldiers, Jing Shu walked slowly into the judgment hall of the Senate.

Jing Shu's complexion was slightly pale, and there were some extremely visible bloodstains all over her white and slender neck. Although most of them had scabbed over, they still looked very obvious because of the serious injuries.

The moment Jing Shu saw Ling Luo, her water eyes suddenly turned into hatred. She bit her lower lip tightly, stretched out a finger, pointed directly at Ling Luo's nose, and accused, "It's just She! She killed my sister!"

The corners of Xuanyuan Gu's lips curled into an invisible arc, and he said loudly: "Jing Shu, do you recognize it? Ling Luo is the prisoner who killed Jing Ying?"

"Yes! I will never admit my mistake!" Jing Shu's emotions became agitated, and some sharp voices echoed throughout the high hall of the Senate, "Before three months, my sister Jing Ying and I served Princess Yangyue I was ordered to go to Xijiu country to look for His Royal Highness, and finally met this cruel woman. She poisoned our sisters, and my sister was brutally killed by her..."

"I didn't kill Jingying." Ling Luo frowned slightly, and interrupted Jingshu's accusation impatiently, her scorching eyes moved from Jingshu's body to Xuanyuangu's body, and said loudly, "Master First Elder, I also have witnesses who can prove that my daughter-in-law never killed Jingying."

(End of this chapter)

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