The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 102 I will definitely follow Xiaojin

Chapter 102 I will definitely follow Xiaojin
What the two of them said they had met was actually two different time and space.

She thought she had met once at Huajing Yuntai, but what he was talking about was their first encounter in the sea of ​​snow.

The moment the eyes of the two met, it was as if a trickling stream was passing by.

Yun Jinli felt her heart beating faster, as if a small drum was beating in her heart.

She felt that his gaze was very gentle, like a pool of fine wine, which could make her intoxicated.

"Master, the scroll is here."

Mo Yu's arrival interrupted the warmth between the two of them.

Yun Jinli came back to her senses, her cheeks felt hot.

"Jin'er, I'll tell you some anecdotes, if you like to hear them, I'll tell you every day from now on."

Bei Chenjue took the scroll and opened it in front of Yun Jinli.

In an instant, many images appeared in the scroll, and he began to tell her about some major events in Longyuan Continent.

He worried that she didn't know anything about this place, so he taught her about the continent during this time.

In the afternoon, Yun Jinli spent the time in his magnetic voice. He told her many things, and made her more aware of the power of Longyuan Continent and the major families.

These big forces are intertwined and intertwined, and their relationship with each other is very complicated.

Some seem to be at odds, but in fact they are colluding internally, and the waters of the major forces are very deep.

In the following days, Bei Chenjue taught Yun Jinli a lot of knowledge while she was practicing.

This kind of life is extraordinarily fulfilling.

The longer they get along and the deeper their acquaintance, Yun Jinli discovers that Bei Chenjue is very knowledgeable and talented, as if there is nothing in the world that he doesn't understand.

She also asked him about the secrets of Yin Yang flowers, he didn't know much about Yin Yang flowers, he just told her that Yin Yang flowers would cause shocking waves every time they appeared in the world.

Now the yin-yang flower is like a flash in the pan, and then disappears without a trace. All major forces are looking for the whereabouts of the yin-yang flower.It is conceivable how attractive Yin Yang Flower is to them.

Yun Jinli didn't know how to use the power of the Yin-Yang Flower, but with the Yin-Yang Flower on her body, she felt that a large part of the huge amount of spiritual power absorbed during the cultivation seemed to be integrated into the Yin-Yang Flower.

She didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing for her?

Another month has passed, and Yun Jinli's strength is growing rapidly.She herself doesn't know how strong she is now, but she thinks she should have recovered her previous strength.

Normally Mo Yu sent scrolls to the outside world, and according to Bei Chenjue's instructions, he would show Yun Jinli a copy.

Although Yun Jinli lives in a place isolated from the world, she is very clear about the major events of the outside world.

Originally, the Hua family and the Yu family were going to marry, but for some unknown reason, there was no follow-up.

Until today, Yun Jinli saw the news on the scroll that the princess of the Hua family will marry Yu Shao in the Imperial Capital.

The news spread all over the streets and alleys immediately, and became a point of conversation for people after dinner.

"I should go too."

Yun Jinli had a great time in these two months, but she couldn't stay here forever.

She was going to say goodbye to Bei Chenjue, but she didn't see him.

She waited until it was dark, and then learned about Bei Chenjue from Mo Yu who had come back specially to deliver the news.

"Miss Jin, our lord has something important to go back, let me tell you."

Mo Yu hurriedly said, obviously the matter is urgent.

"Well, I see. Thank you, Mo Yu!"

Yun Jinli learned that Bei Chenjue had left, so it was time for her to leave too.

After Mo Yu conveyed the message, she immediately left here and caught up with Bei Chenjue.

"Xiaobai, I should go too, how about you?"

Yun Jinli asked Bai Li, the little guy had been by her side all the time, if she wanted to keep him, she would be very reluctant.

"I will definitely follow Xiaojin!"

Bai Li replied bluntly.

(End of this chapter)

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