The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 103 Goodbye Cloud Snow Starry Sky

Chapter 103 Goodbye Cloud Snow Starry Sky

"Xiaobai, you are not safe outside, isn't there an enemy chasing you?"

Yun Jinli was still worried about Bai Li, he was so weak, if he encountered that enemy again, he would be very dangerous.

"Xiao Jin, are you afraid to go out because it's raining outside? If I don't even have the courage to go out, then what's the difference between being alive and dead?"

Bai Li knew that it was dangerous outside, but he was not afraid.

"In the face of difficulties, I want to overcome and don't want to shrink back. Even though I am still weak now, I believe that one day I will stand up again and stand on the top of the highest mountain."

What he said resonated in Yun Jinli's heart.

"You are right! Then let's go out and explore the world together!"

Yun Jinli has no other thoughts now, but to make herself stronger.

Strong enough to cross the natural moat between continents, strong enough to be unafraid of the forces behind the scenes.

If she had been strong enough back then, her father would not have died.

"Let's go!"

She knew the way out, and after leaving a letter to Bei Chenjue, she took Bai Li out of this home that belonged to them.

"Goodbye, Yunxue Xingkong."

She took a last look at this flowery courtyard, this was her first home after coming to Longyuan Continent, and it was also the warmest home.

After going out from the portal of Linghai, in an instant, the fiery wind and sand rushed towards his face.

This time there was no snow lamp, so they couldn't go too fast.Walking alone in the vast desert, one person and one fox looked very lonely.

"Xiao Jin, where are we going?"

Bai Li is homeless now, wherever Yun Jinli goes, he will go there.

"Go to Yunchuan City, the imperial capital of Xuanshuang Kingdom."

Yun Jinli is now reborn in Hua Nu's body, if she doesn't do something for her, then she will feel ashamed.

This Yunchuan City is the birthplace of Hua Nu, and it is also the place where Princess Hua and Yu Shao got married.

"It's very far away from Yunchuan City. Without the Wind and Snow Silver Dragon, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to get there in a few months."

Bai Li is very clear about the locations of the major cities in Longyuan Continent, and the distance is really far away.

"I've already seen the map. After walking out of this desert, I will go to the nearest city and use the teleportation array to leave."

Yun Jinli learned from Bei Chenjue that many cities have some teleportation formations, which can make the originally long and boundless journey arrive in an instant.

It's just that if you want to use the teleportation array, you must have precious spirit stones, and a powerful illusionist will personally inject spiritual power, so you need to spend a lot of money to use it once.

"That's right! How did I forget this one! It's natural to have a teleportation array, but we don't seem to have much money."

Bai Li remembered that Xiao Zhang once gave Yun Jinli a sum of money. The money was enough for her to buy clothes and food, but it was not enough to pay for the huge cost of using the teleportation array.

"When I left from Linghai, I brought a few elixir plants with me. When the time comes, I will find a place to sell them, and we will have travel expenses."

Yun Jinli is naturally prepared, she is now poor and poor, it seems that she must start a business.

She already had a plan in her heart, but she had to wait until the time was ripe before she could put it into action.

"If I had known earlier, I would have dug up a few spirit grasses."

Bai Li remembers that the most indispensable thing in the spiritual sea is all kinds of spiritual herbs, which are inconspicuous in the spiritual sea, but it is different when they come out.

"It's okay, if you dig it, you will hollow out the whole spiritual sea!"

Yun Jinli couldn't help laughing and said, when they were in the Yunxue Starry Sky, Baili and Xuezhan often went to dig some precious elixir and planted them in the courtyard.

Bai Li's eyes are very sharp, no baby can escape his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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