Chapter 1069

Yun Jinli was practicing while sitting on the bed, and having each kind of spirit flower gave her a new kind of power.

She has not tried the power of the other shore flower yet.

Thinking of her, she tried to use the Bianhua, but obviously the Bianhua didn't seem to buy it. Fortunately, she has learned that she can use their power without the consent of the Wulinghua.

A cloud of red smoke condensed from the palm, and the next moment, a miracle appeared.

Another self appeared beside her, and when she condensed another cloud of red smoke, there were three identical herself.

"The Bianhua actually possesses the ability to copy."

Yun Jinli thought of the Bianhua that danced on the high platform back then, but it was just a ray of incarnation.

"In this way, I don't need Xiao Yu to help me, and I can create an alibi by myself."

She found this ability very useful. During the battle, she could transform into countless phantoms, making it difficult for people to tell which one was her.

At the same time, when encountering unmatched and dangerous enemies, countless avatars can also dazzle people, fighting for a chance to escape.

"I don't know if I can copy other things?"

A ball of red mist floated in Yun Jinli's hands, and then tried to condense into a vase on the table.

The next moment, an identical vase appeared.


She originally thought that Bianhua's ability was similar to that of Yinyanghua, but she didn't expect it to be completely different.

The Bianhua Ocean in the palace that day must have been the thousands of illusory bodies condensed by Youmeng of Bianhua, making people unable to tell the real from the fake.

Yun Jinli originally wanted to condense other things to see, but she was too weak, so she could only sit cross-legged to absorb Wanmu's vitality and restore some strength.

"By the way, there's still that stone. I don't know what's inside it? Go to the Phoenix Tower and open it."

Her soul condensed into her form, and walked into the Phoenix Tower.

She didn't open it on the spot because she felt the heartbeat in the stone before, but now it won't be discovered, so she can see what it is.

With the power of her soul, she carefully peeled off the stone skin.

When the last layer of stone skin was peeled off, there was a "boom", as if something had exploded.

Yun Jinli was stunned by the blood-red color in front of her eyes.

Hidden in the stone turned out to be a heart, and this heart was always beating.

Red rays of light radiated out one after another, as gorgeous as a beam of light.

This heart was surging with blood and energy, giving people a feeling of infinite vitality, and the tremendous pressure made Yun Jinli's soul unable to move.

"Whose heart is this? It's so powerful!"

She could feel the beating frequency of that heart, as if it all coincided with the rhythm of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Xiao Yunyi, who was sleeping under the flowers, was awakened. For some unknown reason, she suddenly burst into tears.

Even Master Ta was startled, and actually appeared here in person.

After Master Ta appeared, the terrifying coercion disappeared, as if being wrapped and isolated by Master Ta.

This was the first time Yun Jinli saw Ta Ye, and he only saw a tall and tall figure.

He seemed to be a cloud of white mist, making it hard to see clearly.

"Where did you find this heart?"

Master Ta asked, his voice was very complicated, different from the usual indifference, and there was an unspeakable excitement.

"Just wandering around and found it in a stone in the garden."

Yun Jinli replied indifferently, these words made Master Ta quiet for a moment, and the air seemed to freeze.

"Maybe this is fate."

Master Ta's words made Yun Jinli confused.

 Lovely little snowflakes, remember to vote for Geer!


(End of this chapter)

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