Chapter 1070 Maybe You Can Be Reborn

"Master Ta, whose heart is this?"

Could it be fate that Yun Jinli could steal a heart by just strolling around?
This fate is really great.

"Actually, if it weren't for me, this heart would probably be stewed by someone. Even if it is the human heart, there are people who want to absorb the terrifying vitality. Even a dying old man can instantly become a young man .”

She spoke, absolutely trusting her own judgment.

How many people nowadays want to pursue longevity and live longer, this heart is like a longevity medicine.

"Although what you said is not pleasant, it is not impossible. Since someone deliberately hid it, it is treating him as a elixir of longevity."

Master Ta shook his head, and there was a special coldness in his voice, which made Xiao Yunyi too scared to cry.

"Didn't you ask me whose heart is he? In fact, you have also met him across time and space. You are lucky enough to read the few words he left. This is the fate between you."

"Could it be that he is the peerless powerhouse guarding one side in the endless darkness?"

Yun Jinli's eyes suddenly felt hot, thinking of that unknown peerless strongman who used his life to protect the common people.

However, the sad thing is that the heart he left behind was hidden away, waiting for the opportunity to refine it into medicine.

No one remembers what he did, and no one knows.

"If he didn't die, then the Wing Clan wouldn't perish either."

Master Ta's voice was full of sadness. He took special care of Xiao Yunyi because Xiao Yunyi was his relative.

"Is he also from the Wing Clan?"

Yun Jinli seemed to have seen that tall figure, spreading its wings and soaring into the sky wantonly and chicly.

"Well, he was once the king of the Yi clan, and he was also the greatest king."

Master Ta held the heart in both hands, as if looking at an old friend from many years ago.

"Since there is still a heart, maybe he can be reborn, Master Ta, don't be too depressed."

Yun Jinli comforted her, she really admired that mysterious strong man, he was Xiao Yunyi's ancestor, no wonder she couldn't help crying.

"It's too difficult, unless..."

Ta Ye finished speaking halfway, but didn't continue.

"Unless what?" Yun Jinli asked.

"Unless he can find a strand of his soul, and if he can be revived with the power of the Ziyue Lingzhu. Otherwise, there is no other chance."

Master Ta thought about it, and told Yun Jinli the method.

He has no reincarnation, if the body and soul disappear, there will be no trace of him in this world.

"If I can find a strand of his soul, I will help him to be reborn after I condense the Ziyue Lingzhu."

Yun Jinli said that she had always acted rashly, doing what she wanted without considering too many interests.

"Why do you help him? He has never met you before, just a stranger."

Ta Ye was puzzled.

"It's true that I don't know him before, but when he saves countless strangers, what reason does he need?"

Yun Jinli admired him, and if given the chance, she would do her best for him.

No reason is needed, just do what you want.

If he hadn't sacrificed himself, the three thousand spirit realms would have been in ruins.

Without her, and without anyone else.

"Let this heart stay with Lord Ta, and only Lord Ta can keep him."

"Okay. I owe you a favor."

Ta Ye wrapped the heart in mist to prevent these vitality from passing away.

He disappeared in place together with this heart, and he didn't know where he went in the Phoenix Divine Tower.

Yun Jinli and Xiaodiandian didn't get anything during this trip, but she was very happy in her heart.

At least, that person, there is still a glimmer of hope that he can be reborn again.

The ending is not about disappearing, life and death disappearing.

 In the past two days, Ge'er has to go back to her hometown to accompany her two elders. The journey home is very far, and it is not convenient to write books on the road, so there are four shifts a day.

  Remember to vote for Geer!Resume update the day after tomorrow. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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