Chapter 1071 Can't find anything
Yun Jinli learned from the hearts of the guards that Hua Nuanchun and his wife ordered the garden to be sealed off, and they also arranged for the guards to take turns.

They didn't know where they found this heart, but they must have been worried that this heart would be discovered by the Hua patriarch and the others, so they specially sealed it.

Considering that the heart would lose its vitality when put in the storage space, they hid it in the garden.However, in order to prevent it from being stolen, they sent people to guard it, and specially set up a protective formation.

No one has ever discovered that they planned to wait for the death of the Hua patriarch before taking out the heart.

"What kind of disease did grandma have? You have to see it yourself to know, but now there is no such opportunity."

Yun Jinli felt a headache because of this matter, she had to diagnose her grandma herself in order to know her condition.

Now there is a ghost cat guarding the house, and she will be found if she approaches.Mingmao can sense the breath of the soul, so even wearing an invisibility cloak will be noticed.

"Maybe someone can help me."

She suddenly thought of a candidate and had a plan in her mind.

When she was practicing in the house, the dinner party for the Huazu to clean up the envoys was just over.

It's a pity that everyone's expressions at this moment are not as if the host and guest are enjoying themselves, especially Hua Liuyan and the ladies of the family, all of them have expressions of unwillingness.

"She didn't come to the dinner party. It's a pity we waited all night."

"I thought the Crown Princess was delayed because of something, but who knew she wouldn't come at all."

"Hmph, she escaped once, she won't be so lucky next time. When the birthday banquet starts, can she still not show up?"

Hua Liuyan clenched her fist, the relationship between her and Yun Jinli was like fire and water.

Originally, she was given a marriage to the crown prince Bei Chenjue as his concubine, but after Yun Jinli appeared, there was nothing to do with her.

On the Flower Rain Festival, she was also crushed to death, without any chance of turning over.

It seemed that where there was Yun Jinli, everything she was proud of had become worthless.

"Now that she is in the painting clan, I don't believe she can make any waves."

When she returned to the residence, she saw many guards searching for something along the way, and learned from her parents that someone broke into the residence of the patriarch Hua tonight.

"The only one who didn't come to the dinner tonight is Liu Yunhua. I think she did it in all likelihood."

Hua Liuyan didn't even think about it, so he spoke.

"The Liu Yunhua you're talking about is the Crown Princess, right? She's just a young lady of a small family, what is she going to the patriarch's residence for? I suspect that Hua Qingqiu found something, so she came here secretly to investigate."

Hua Nuanchun knew that Hua Liuyan hated the fact that the crown princess was taken away, so she didn't take her obviously emotional answer to heart.

"Even if he doubts, it's useless. They can't find out anything. If they suspect, let them investigate."

Zhao Xiang replied that he believed that his plan was perfect, and no one would find any clues.

"But, after all, she is my grandma. We just want the position of patriarch. Sooner or later, she will be mine. There is no need to kill them all, right?"

Hua Liuyan was puzzled and said that she didn't know that she was not actually of grandma's blood, nor did her mother tell her about it.

"If you want to do big things, you have to be ruthless. You don't have to worry about it so much. You can rest assured that you will become a member of the Heavenly Palace, inherit the painting clan, and hold the power in your hands."

Zhao Xiang said to her.

"I see."

Hua Liuyan nodded, although grandma loved her very much, but now she didn't say anything, just obeyed her parents' arrangement and acquiesced in their evil deeds.

(End of this chapter)

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