The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1072 Please ask the princess to save me

Chapter 1072 Please ask the princess to save me

Today's painting clan is peaceful on the surface, but in fact it is undercurrents.

In the early morning of the next day, Hua Qingqiu received a call letter, and Crown Princess Beichen came to visit.

He didn't know why Yun Jinli came, but he couldn't neglect her, so he immediately invited her in.

There is a tall maple tree in his residence, and the tree is full of maple leaves, which looks very beautiful.

He received Yun Jinli under the maple tree. There is a unique water pavilion with tables and chairs inside.

"I don't know what advice the Crown Princess has here?"

Hua Qingqiu remembered that she didn't know Yun Jinli, but only met yesterday.

"I have some medical skills. When I saw you yesterday, I saw blood on the ends of your eyebrows. You must be suffering from hemoptysis. If the disease does not seem serious, you will occasionally cough up blood after a while, but after a long time If it takes a long time, it will be an incurable disease in the future."

Yun Jinli said indifferently, she saw that Hua Qingqiu was sick.

"Prince Princess's medical skills are amazing. It's been a long time since I had this hemoptysis. I called doctors earlier, but they didn't notice anything. I don't think it's serious, so I didn't pay too much attention to it."

Hua Qingqiu said in surprise, she didn't expect her to see her illness at a glance, her medical skills are too powerful.

There was no rumor about his hemoptysis, and the doctors were told not to tell it.

They are all imperial doctors of the Hua clan, so they will naturally keep their mouths shut.

"Could the Crown Princess tell me why this illness started?"

Since she was able to tell about his illness, she must also know about it.

"Generally speaking, there are many reasons for hemoptysis. This palace sees that you are in good health, so you would not have contracted this disease. It should be caused by external factors."

Yun Jinli guessed.

"There is a vermilion-yellow fruit that tastes sweet and sour, but it is a little spicy. This fruit is called the blood fruit. It doesn't matter if you only eat one or two. If you eat it frequently, it will cause coughing up blood."

"It turned out that my disease was actually that kind of fruit! I thought it was just an ordinary fruit, and I like spicy food, so I ate some more. I didn't expect it to almost become a reminder."

Hua Qingqiu said with an ugly face, that kind of fruit was brought by Hua Nuanchun from the Zhao family, saying it was a specialty there.

He saw everyone eating together at the time, so he didn't suspect that there was something wrong with the fruit.

Later, because he liked spicy food, he had the cheek to ask them to bring some more, and they readily agreed.

Thinking about it now, they originally lured him into a trap, and he jumped into it foolishly.

"Is there any cure for my illness now?"

He thought it was a minor illness at first, but now it seems to be quite serious.

"It's still too late. If you eat it for a few more months, your intestines will be pierced. By then, it will not be as simple as coughing up blood."

Yun Jinli said solemnly, this sleet blood fruit accumulates a lot, and the destructive power it erupts is very powerful.

"The words of this palace are not alarmist. If you don't believe it, you can try it."

"I'd better not try it. Please save the princess!"

Hua Qingqiu's eyes are full of hope, and now she is the only one who can save herself.

Although she doesn't look very old, her knowledge is more extensive than those old doctors.

"This requires diet therapy. I'll give you a prescription."

Yun Jinli took out a pen and paper, and wrote a prescription for Qingqiu.

"You can try it first, whether it works or not, you only need one meal to see the difference. And even if it doesn't work, eating these things won't damage your body."

"It just so happens that I haven't had breakfast yet. If you don't mind, I'd like to get someone to do it now."

Hua Qingqiu said.

 Ge'er returned to her hometown and didn't sleep all night. She was so tired from the car ride, so she asked for comfort.

(End of this chapter)

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