Chapter 1073

"You can do whatever you want."

Yun Jinli nodded slightly, and sat under the maple tree, as indifferent as the sky.

"Come on."

Hua Qingqiu immediately called a maid, handed the recipe to her, and asked her to prepare it immediately.

He prepared clear tea and invited Yun Jinli to drink it.

"Princess, please have some tea."

"The fragrance of this tea is light and reveals a few strands of floral fragrance, and the aroma is a bit cold. It should be Hanwu Mountain osmanthus tea."

Yun Jinli smelled the fragrance of tea, and took a small sip.

"The Crown Princess has excellent medical skills and knows how to read tea, which I admire."

Hua Qingqiu originally thought that the Crown Princess was just a vulgar mountain girl, but now looking at her speech and behavior, he felt that she was more elegant and decent than the lady of the family.

"I just happened to know that it was the first time I drank this tea. It is said that this tea is quite rare, and the amount produced every year is quite rare."

Yun Jinli said without arrogance or rashness, without showing a hint of complacency.

"Although this Hanwu Mountain sweet-scented osmanthus tea is rare, it belongs to our painting family, so I have some. Please accept it as a gift to the Crown Princess."

Hua Qingqiu knows how to be a man, no matter whether the princess's prescription is useful or not, at least she has answered his confusion, he still wants to reciprocate and give her a gift in return.

"Thank you."

Yun Jinli accepted the tea graciously. Feng Liuyue likes to drink tea, so she planned to bring it back to her.

Originally, Hua Qingqiu thought she would pretend to be polite, but she didn't expect her to accept it so simply, which made him feel better.

No need to talk too much, he naturally likes it.

Not long after, the medicinal food prepared according to the prescription was brought up.

"Crown Princess, I'm sorry to eat here alone. Would you like something to eat?"

Hua Qingqiu said with some embarrassment.

"No need, you just treat yourself as taking medicine and don't care about me."

Yun Jinli said calmly while drinking tea.

"OK then!"

Hua Qingqiu didn't hesitate at the moment, and started to eat with a spoon in his hand.

After eating this bowl of rice, he felt warm in his stomach, and felt unspeakably comfortable.

Originally, he had lost his appetite recently and could hardly eat anything. Even if the big bowl of medicinal food was not delicious, he ate it up.

He took a closer look at his physical condition, and obviously felt much better mentally.

"This is amazing!"

He said in shock that just a bowl of medicinal food made him feel such an obvious change, which shows that her medical skills are very good.

"In many cases, the treatment does not necessarily require taking medicine. Prescribing the right medicine is the best. In addition, the method of diet therapy is relatively mild and suitable for your current physical condition. If you insist on diet therapy every day, you will recover soon."

Yun Jinli knew this would happen, so she remained calm as usual.

"I really don't know how to thank you?"

Hua Qingqiu nodded, if she said yes, there must be no problem.

"You don't have to thank me. It is the duty of a doctor to cure the disease and save the patient. It happened to happen to me, so I can't just ignore death."

Yun Jinli's attitude of a master made Hua Qingqiu admire him for a while.

"By the way, the princess is so skilled in medicine, why don't you go and see my grandma!"

Hua Qingqiu had seen Yun Jinli's medical skills before, so he invited her to visit for Hua Patriarch.

"Draw the patriarch?"

Yun Jinli pretended to be puzzled and did not show the expression she knew earlier.

"To tell you the truth, my grandma has a strange disease, and the doctors are helpless. Grandma's birthday is coming soon, and I was anxious, so I met you, a miracle doctor."

Hua Qingqiu said excitedly, but he really cared about the Hua patriarch in his heart.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!There is another update tonight. After traveling a long distance, I am very tired, so I insist on finishing it.


(End of this chapter)

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