Chapter 1074

He is the grandson of the Hua patriarch, and although his status is not as high as that of his legitimate daughter, he is still very much loved by his grandmother.

If he was a woman, maybe grandma would pass on the position of patriarch to him.

"Patriarch Hua is sick, so I am naturally willing to take a look. However, I am afraid that this status is not suitable for me to participate in it. If I want to see a doctor, I am afraid that someone will obstruct it."

Yun Jinli said.

"It's okay, I'll take you there myself, no one can stop you."

When Hua Qingqiu thought of Hua Nuanchun and the others, he felt a dark hatred in his heart.

I didn't expect that they would kill him secretly. If they didn't find out in time, they wouldn't know how he died in the end.

"Alright then! It's just that I'm not sure whether it will be successful or not."

Yun Jinli nodded, not talking too much.

"No matter what the result is, just do your best."

Hua Qingqiu knew about grandma's illness, so many famous doctors couldn't find the reason, so he just had a hope, and didn't fully expect her to really cure grandma.

"Let's go and have a look!"

"it is good."

Yun Jinli was quite pleased with what he said.

She doesn't like to procrastinate and finish things immediately, so as not to be in vain.

So under Hua Qingqiu's leadership, Yun Jinli walked into the residence of the patriarch Hua.

When the news reached the ears of Hua Nuanchun and his wife, they just laughed and didn't care.

"Hua Qingqiu is also in a hurry to go to the doctor, and everyone is taken to the old guy."

"Anyway, no matter who comes, they won't be able to discover her secret."

The two showed embarrassed smiles and ignored the matter.

But in this way, they are even more sure that the person yesterday was sent by Hua Qingqiu.

Even if he knew what they were doing, there was nothing he could do about them without evidence.

No one obstructed, Yun Jinli successfully diagnosed the patriarch Hua.

The first time Yun Jinli saw Patriarch Hua, Yun Jinli felt that her seal had turned black, as if she was enveloped by a layer of black evil spirit.

She checked it carefully, and then thought quietly aside.

"Tell me about the disease of the Patriarch!"

She opened her mouth and said to Hua Qingqiu, she seemed to have captured some traces in her heart, but she couldn't think of the final answer.

"My grandma's illness is also very simple. She has been in a coma and her body is not injured, but she just can't wake up. She didn't sleep for a long time, but now she can't wake up for several days."

When Hua Qingqiu talked about it, he didn't know what was going on, his grandma was very powerful, and logically speaking, it was impossible for him to get sick.

"Well. I see."

Yun Jinli nodded, and then began to observe the living environment of her grandma.

Judging from her pulse, her grandma's body is fine.

Even, Yun Jinli originally thought that she had also been poisoned by Gu poison, but now Little Butterfly didn't notice any aura of Gu poison.

In this way, grandma's coma became a mystery.

"What method did the other party use? To make people fall into a coma without anyone noticing?"

She felt that she must have overlooked something important, so she took this opportunity to check the surrounding area inch by inch.

Although Hua Qingqiu didn't understand what she was doing, she didn't bother her and just waited aside.

Seeing her puzzled eyes, he guessed that there was nothing she could do, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"It seems that no one can heal grandma's illness."

Yun Jinli diagnosed Patriarch Hua's pulse again, and probed her body with spiritual power, but still found nothing.

"This is really evil! But I just don't believe in this evil!"

 Good night little snowflakes!Ask for a monthly pass and give Geer a new motivation!

  There will be more tomorrow!

  If each of you encourages me, I will write more! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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