Chapter 1078 Definitely Better Than Hers

"If any of you gamble something that is worth more than the things in this palace, then the things will belong to you."

Yun Jinli saw that they were aggressive, so she would play with them.

As for the Jiugong Mengsuo is a technical job, she still has to think about the solution slowly, and now she has no clue, so let's let it go first.

"That sounds like it could."

Lan Xiu spoke.

"With so many of us, can't we compare her eyesight?"

"That's right, our vision must be better than hers."

"That's it."

Everyone felt that such a rule was not impossible.

There are so many of them, so naturally they are not afraid of her.

Besides these people, there are other people picking stones here, and they were not involved in this stone gambling dispute.

After hearing their conversation now, everyone felt that Yun Jinli must have lost.

No matter how lucky she is, she can't compare to so many people!

"As long as one of us wins her, all the things we get will be returned to everyone."

Hua Liuyan heard the news of her participation, so she hurried over here.

She naturally heard Yun Jinli's rules, and seeing everyone's apprehensive expressions, she spoke up about this method.

"Ms. Hua is smarter."

Lan Xiu immediately flattered her.

"That's right! Missy is very powerful, so everyone will definitely not be at a disadvantage."

Lan Zhen also showed admiration, and immediately began to praise.

"Miss, it's a good idea."

"With Missy here, we will definitely not lose."

Everyone said one after another, praising Hua Liuyan so much that they raised their tails.

"Miss Ben has known how to distinguish stones since she was a child, and today she is making a fool of herself."

Hua Liuyan nodded, with a winning smile on his face.

"You're already ugly, so you don't need to express yourself."

Yun Jinli said flatly, she was so angry that it was difficult for Hua Liuyan to breathe.

"Stop talking nonsense, pick your own stones, and start!"

She walked towards the pile of stones and began to pick them.

Xiao DianDian didn't follow her today, he also went out early in the morning, he didn't know what to do, he was very mysterious.

Picking stones now depends on her own eyesight.

But even without Xiaodiandian by her side, she is not afraid of them.

"Miss, don't be angry, let her lose everything in a while, and vent your anger on you."

Seeing Hualiuyan's ugly face, Lanxiu comforted her.

"Hmph, of course I have to teach her a lesson."

Even painting Liuyan can't hide the anger in my heart, and I don't have the mood to pretend to be generous.

She also began to choose stones. The prices of stones in different regions are different, but they think that the stones are obviously more expensive, and the quality of stones will be higher.

So they all choose the most expensive area, tens of thousands of crystal coins are nothing to them.

"Look at her choosing in the price range of thousands of dollars. The poor are the poor."

"She just wants to compare us with stones worth thousands of dollars. It's ridiculous."

"I don't think there is any need to open stones. The outcome will be decided long ago."

Everyone took the selected stones and cut them. There is a master who specializes in cutting stones. He is responsible for cutting these stones with a blade without destroying the contents inside.

"Cut Miss Ben's piece first."

Hua Liuyan handed over a stone. When she bought the stone, she had already paid for it, so now she can cut the stone directly.

Everyone saw that the stone on which Liuyan was painted, gradually revealed its true face under the master's incomparably fast knife work.

Suddenly, a burst of cheers erupted from the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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