Chapter 1079 Worth at least a million
"Oh my god! Miss Hua unearthed a piece of green-heart jadeite. The color is really beautiful."

"This Green Heart Emerald is the size of a fist and worth at least a million!"

"I think it's almost the same. This is a good item, but the specific price should be determined by the appraiser."

"As soon as Miss Hua makes a move, she becomes a piece of emerald with a green heart. What can the princess do?"

"Haha, the princess must be crying."

Everyone gloated and said, all the ladies hope that Hua Liuyan can win, so that their things will still belong to them.

"It's just a small green heart emerald, it's nothing."

Hua Liuyan waved his hand and said, but his face was full of complacency.

"Ask a treasure appraiser to appraise the price!"

Lan Zhen urged.

"This piece of green heart jadeite is transparent inside. This piece can make a good seal, and it can also be made into rings and bracelets. It is worth 300 million spirit crystal coins."

The appraiser who spoke was surnamed Leng, known as Master Leng, and he was a very discerning treasure appraiser in Yishixuan.

"Since it was personally identified by Master Leng, it can't be wrong."

Hua Liuyan pretended to be high-profile and said, her smile became brighter and brighter.

"I spent 300 yuan to buy the stone, but I paid [-] million. I'm really embarrassed."

"That's Miss Hua is amazing!"

"Miss Hua has really good eyesight."

"I think it's better for the princess to admit defeat directly, lest the loss be too ugly."

They pointed their finger at Yun Jinli. At this moment, she had already picked a stone, but it was only priced at one thousand spirit crystal coins.

"Hahaha! Look at her choosing a stone with a thousand spirit crystal coins."

"That stone is missing a corner. Although it is the size of a human head, it is obviously riddled with holes. She must be stupid."

"That's right! She has never gambled with rough stones before! If she knew about betting with stones, no blind man would choose this one."

"Don't say that Miss Hua ordered such a good green heart jadeite, even if we take it, it must be better than hers."

They looked at Yun Jinli contemptuously, thinking that the people from the small family were like this, they couldn't even bet on stones.

"Stay out of my way."

Yun Jinli didn't argue with them, but just spoke coldly.

When they heard the words, they could only get out of the way, with sneer smiles on their faces.

"No matter what rubbish you open, Miss Ben won't mind, I will accept it with a smile."

Hua Liuyan said impatiently, as if he had seen the scene of Yun Jinli crying blind after losing.

"I think she is actually very smart. She knew she would lose, so she chose such a cheap one. After all, their Liu family is such a poor family."

Lan Xiu spoke sarcastically, not taking Yun Jinli seriously.

"Let me hear someone say that the Liu family of Bengong is wrong, so let's be an ice sculpture here!"

Yun Jinli glanced coldly at Lan Xiu, making her tremble with fright.

"Obviously poor, don't let people tell."

She muttered in her heart, but didn't have the guts to say it.


Yun Jinli just gave a soft snort, and Lan Xiu felt as if she had heard her inner thoughts, and her face turned pale with fright.

"Are you sure you want to cut this stone?"

The master stonecutter looked at this riddled stone, and could almost see countless holes piercing to the opposite side. She wouldn't choose it, would she?

"I've already bought this stone. If you cut it and break it, you won't be able to pay for it."

Yun Jinli said lightly, and there was a burst of laughter all around.


Everyone didn't dare to come out and say anything, but now they all laughed at her overthinking her abilities.

(End of this chapter)

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