The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 108 Fox Poison Antidote Bingxincao

Chapter 108 Fox Poison Antidote Bingxincao

"Whether he is the heir you mentioned or not, in my eyes he is just an ordinary person."

Yun Jinli did not intend to intervene in the Xiling tribe's internal strife, she only treated Xilingtian as an ordinary person, and did not intend to use him to achieve any purpose.

"Whatever Xiaojin decides, I will support you."

Bai Li obeyed Yun Jinli's decision, he believed that she had her own measure.He has already said what he should say, as for what to do, that is her business.

They walked all the way in the dark, and after a while they came to a sand dune.

The white hedge had dug through the dune, and there was a hollow below.

Yun Jinli entered the bottom of the sand dune and found that there was quite a lot of space there.

"Let's rest here tonight!"

She took out a luminous spirit grass and placed it in the sand cave for illumination.

Xi Lingtian has been quietly following behind her without saying a word.He was seriously injured, and his body was already weak, but he was holding on all the way.

He rested on the ground, and there was no movement for a long time.


Yun Jinli felt that his breathing was getting weaker and weaker, so she hurriedly called him.

"Xiao Jin, he seems to be poisoned. It seems to be the poison of Firefox. You need to use ice heart grass to detoxify it, but this ice heart grass is not easy to find. It grows beside the ice crystal salt lake, but I haven't seen it around here."

Bai Li is a member of the fox clan, so he also knows about the poison of Firefox.

There is a way to cure this poison, but the antidote is hard to find.

"Xiaobai, you stay and take care of him, I'll go find Bingxincao."

Yun Jinli saw that Xilingtian's life was at stake, and if he didn't find the antidote, he wouldn't be able to see the sun tomorrow.

"Xiao Jin, we don't know him, why do you risk going out to find an antidote for him?"

Bai Li knew that the desert at night was very dangerous. Many ferocious beasts that hid in the sand sea during the day would come out to absorb the moonlight essence or come out to look for food at night.

"I didn't know you back then, so I chose to save you. Some things don't need any reason. My life was saved by others. If everyone cared about gains and losses, I wouldn't be alive now."

Yun Jinli said calmly that most of the time she does things as she pleases, without much utilitarianism.

She wants to save this person, so she will save it.

"Then I'll go find the antidote!"

When Bai Li heard her words, he couldn't come up with any reason to refute.

He understands that he is the real big trouble, and if he stays by Yun Jinli's side, it is very likely that she will be killed.

But she is his only hope now, and he doesn't want to give up.

"You can just stay, it's too dangerous outside, you can't handle it."

Yun Jinli knew Bai Li's kindness, but he was so weak, it was safer to stay.

"After I leave, you have to be careful to protect yourself!"

After giving Bai Li instructions, she left the sand cave alone.

With powerful soul power, she began to search for the location of the ice crystal salt lake, and the range she felt was far wider than what she saw.

The desert under the moonlight is obviously extremely charming, but behind the beauty is a deadly danger.

She walked on the sand, looking for the icy salt lake.This area was under the influence of Firefox, and because of King Firefox's order, they did not attack Yun Jinli again.

Fortunately, it didn't take her too long to find the direction of the ice crystal salt lake with her powerful soul power.

That area was exactly what made those firefoxes afraid. She didn't know what was there, but she thought it was dangerous.

Passing through the golden sand slope in front of her, she saw that the scenery in front of her had completely changed.

The endless salt lake is nestled in the embrace of the desert.The lake is like a mirror of the sky, and the entire starry sky seems to fall into the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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