Chapter 109 This kid is lucky

The night was extremely quiet, and there was not even a whisper of wind in my ears.

Yun Jinli stood beside the icy salt lake, feeling that time and space seemed to stand still.

Everything is frozen here, making people seem to forget all their troubles.

From a distance, she saw clusters of ice heart grass in the salt lake, the crystal clear grass blades were shining brightly in the lake.

If she wants to pick ice heart grass, she must enter this salt lake.

With her spiritual power, she condensed a ball of sand and threw it into the lake, causing ripples.

She stood by the lake, looking at the calm lake in front of her, she didn't act immediately.

Not long after, the beautiful lake began to churn, and a huge white snake appeared from the bottom of the lake.

When Yun Jinli saw such a giant snake hiding at the bottom of the lake, it was no wonder that the foxes did not dare to approach it.

If other people don't know the existence of this big snake, they will be swallowed by the big snake after getting close.

When the big snake appeared, Yun Jinli flew across the water with lightness and picked off a Bingxincao.

The big snake swam towards Yun Jinli, opened its mouth wide, and wanted to swallow her in one gulp.

The Yuhong sword in Yun Jinli's hand was shining with light. She swung the Yuhong sword and fell towards the big white snake.

Fearing the sword light, the big white snake backed away for a while, and then bit her again.

She avoided the extremely swift and violent attack of the big white snake, did not fight with it, and flew towards the other side of the sand dune.

The big white snake disappeared from her sight the next moment, and the surroundings were as quiet as if nothing had happened.

Yun Jinli didn't dare to relax, and quickly ran to the outside area.This big white snake can't leave this big lake for a long time, it's safe for her to stay away from here.

She didn't run very far when a huge white snake suddenly came out of the ground and stopped in front of her.

Yun Jinli was taken aback, and her spiritual power turned into a shield wall, blocking the white snake's sneak attack.

The white snake's tail slapped towards her, she dodged lightly, and the huge tail set off a burst of wild sand flying.

She didn't run the way she used to come and go, because she was worried that she would lead the white snake to their resting place, so she took a long way.

The big white snake was very fast and would come out from below at any moment. She was extremely vigilant and fled along the way.

If it weren't for the incomparable spiritual power in her body, she would have been overtaken by the big white snake long ago.

At this time, a convoy appeared in the desert, and the mighty battle looked quite eye-catching.

The big white snake gave up the small target of Yun Jinli and attacked the convoy.

Just when Yun Jinli was worried about this convoy, she felt a strong wave of spiritual power coming from over there.

The convoy was accompanied by powerful experts, and soon the big white snake was repelled, and it escaped under the sand.

Only then did Yun Jinli breathe a sigh of relief, thinking about how thrilling this journey was.

She didn't have time to rest, so she took a detour and rushed back to the place where Bai Li and the others rested.

"Xiao Jin, you're finally back! I'm so worried!"

When Bai Li saw Yun Jinli coming back, he immediately jumped on her.

She was away for so long, which made him extremely worried.

He used to want to be strong just for himself, but now he wants to have the power to protect her.

He doesn't want to wait for her like this, and can't do anything.

"It's important to save people first."

Yun Jinli took out the Bingxincao, not knowing how to use it.

"Just drop the juice into his mouth."

Bai Li spoke and told her how to do it.


Yun Jinli cut open the Bing Xincao and let Xilingtian drink the juice of the Bing Xincao, his complexion gradually returned to normal.

"He just needs to sleep and he will be fine when he wakes up tomorrow."

Bai Li glanced at Xilingtian, counting this kid as lucky, if it wasn't for Yun Jinli, he would be dead.

(End of this chapter)

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