Chapter 110 No Free Lunch

Xilingtian was in a coma, completely unaware that he had circled around the gate of hell.

It is true that every generation of their Xiling family will have a peerless strong man, but before the ancient bloodline awakens, his strength is inferior to that of ordinary people, and he may die at any time.

Therefore, who is the heir of the Xiling family is the biggest secret.

Whether Xilingtian is the heir or not, no one can be sure now.

When he woke up, he felt much lighter. Last night he slept very unsteadily, as if he had fallen into a terrible nightmare.

He seemed to be burning in the flames, and just when he felt that he was going to be burned to ashes, a cool stream of water extinguished the flames.

"Come over and have some porridge when you wake up!"

Yun Jinli sat not far away. She didn't rest at night, and after recovering her spiritual power, she made breakfast.

"Thank you girl."

Xilingtian said shyly, in front of her, he always felt that he was not as mature as her.

Obviously there was only a young girl in front of him, but it made him feel full of aura, like a high-ranking person in the clan he had seen.

He held a bowl of porridge in his hand, and started to eat it spoon by spoon.

After drinking the warm porridge, his face looked much better.

He was already extremely weak, this porridge seemed simple, but it was the best for him.

A simple bowl of porridge seems to be the most delicious delicacy in the world.

"Xilingtian, you haven't been out before, have you?"

Seeing him, Yun Jinli didn't seem to know how to survive in the wild, presumably this was his first time going out.

It is rare to see such a shy man, he seems very jerky in dealing with others.

"Yeah! This is the first time I've left home, and I've never been out before."

Xilingtian nodded and replied seriously.

"Remember not to tell others your real name when you are outside! Unless you are strong enough to protect yourself."

Seeing his ignorance, Yun Jinli reminded him.

The Xiling tribe is very special, he is so simple, if people from other tribes know his identity, he may be killed.

"From now on, I will say that my name is Lingtian when speaking to the outside world! I was the one who didn't think about it. Thank you for reminding me, miss."

Xilingtian is not a stupid person, but he just doesn't know the complexity of the outside world and the dangers of people's hearts.

"My name is Jin."

Yun Jinli felt weird when he heard his girls were long and short.

He was pleasing to the eye, so I told him my name.

"Jin, what a nice name!"

Xilingtian was overjoyed when he heard her tell her name.

"After eating, let's continue to set off! I'm leaving the Gale Desert and heading to the nearby city, so you can go with us."

Yun Jinli explained her itinerary. If he didn't want to follow her, she wouldn't object.

"I'll try not to trouble you."

Xilingtian wanted to survive, and if he wanted to get out of this desert alive, he needed Yun Jinli's help.

"So best."

Yun Jinli said calmly, leading him out of the sand cave.

The group of them set off, and it didn't take long before they encountered the convoy that Yun Jinli had seen last night.

"Looking at the direction they are walking, they should also be leaving the Gale Desert. We just follow them from a distance."

Yun Jinli didn't know which places in the desert were dangerous, but following this convoy could avoid dangerous places.

They moved in an orderly manner, and it seemed that they often shuttled through the Gale Desert.

"Jin, why don't we just let the team take us for a ride?"

Xilingtian asked in puzzlement.

"There is no free lunch in the world. There are many masters in this team. We don't know what they do. It is safer to follow behind than to rush forward."

Yun Jinli said patiently, teaching him some ways of survival.

(End of this chapter)

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