Chapter 111 A gentleman's promise weighs a thousand catties
Xilingtian listened to her carefully, and felt that she was really smart, and what she said always made sense.

He suddenly remembered that she had helped him so much, and he must repay her.

"Jin, you saved my life, and I don't know how to repay you. Do you have any wishes?"

"If you want to repay me, let yourself live longer!"

Yun Jinli didn't ask Xilingtian for anything in return, she saved someone if she wanted to. As for what benefits he could bring her, she didn't care.

"Jin, I really can't give you anything in return, but I, Xilingtian, hereby promise that in the future, as long as it is your request, I will unconditionally agree!"

Xilingtian made this promise, and now he is just an ordinary young man, ordinary and ordinary, without any pride, others may laugh at him when they hear his words, but Yun Jinli did not laugh at him, but gave him a Affirmative gaze.

"Okay! Then we've made a deal!"

Yun Jinli believed in the principle of not bullying the young and poor, and maybe one day in the future, she really needed his help.

A gentleman's promise weighs more than a thousand catties.

Seeing her affirmative gaze, Xilingtian felt that he had gained great strength.

The feeling of inferiority in my heart has completely disappeared.When a person finds the goal of struggle, he has confidence and courage.

They followed this convoy secretly, and they followed it farther away, so they would not be discovered by them.

Suddenly, this convoy disappeared from Yun Jinli's sight, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

"Huh? Why is the convoy gone?"

Xilingtian rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was dazzled.

"It's gone."

Yun Jinli led him to the place where they last saw the convoy, but there was nothing.

"Where did the convoy go?"

She didn't believe that such a large group of people would just disappear without any trace.

"That's where the ruts disappear."

She observed the ruts left on the sand, indicating that the convoy had indeed passed here.

"But there's nothing here? Where did they go? Should we continue to look for it?"

Xilingtian had no idea himself, so he asked Yun Jinli for his opinion.

"This convoy is too mysterious. It seems that they are not going to leave Gale Desert. Let's not go with them. Let's find our own way to leave."

Yun Jinli just wanted to leave the desert smoothly, and didn't want to cause trouble. The mysterious disappearance of the convoy made her feel incomprehensible.

The unknown is the most dangerous, and she doesn't want to risk her life for it.

"Well, I also think this place is a bit weird, it's better to leave quickly."

When Xilingtian was about to leave, he accidentally stepped on a cracked mask, and the next moment he disappeared in place.


Seeing Xilingtian disappear without a trace, Yun Jinli called out, but got no response.

"This kid can really cause trouble!"

Seeing Xilingtian disappear, Bai Li couldn't help but said.

"I took him with the convoy, otherwise he wouldn't have come here. We have to find him!"

Yun Jinli remembered the place where Xilingtian disappeared, so she came over to investigate carefully.

"How can there be such an ancient mask here?"

She knelt down to observe this mask carefully, and when she reached out to get close to the mask, she felt a suction force coming from the mask.

She simply touched the mask directly, and found that she was getting smaller and smaller, like a speck of dust.

When she saw the picture in front of her clearly again, she had already appeared in another place.

"What is this place?"

(End of this chapter)

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