Chapter 1081 Destined Not to Be Mine

"Although this piece of green heart jadeite is so-so, I will still accept it with a smile."

There was a harmless smile on Yun Jinli's face, her long eyelashes were extremely thick, and her beautiful eyes were extremely agile. When she smiled, it seemed like stars were flying.

She was already good-looking, but now after transformations, her skin is as white as jade and flawless, which is extremely enviable.

She was dressed in a luxurious blue dress, and standing among the gorgeously dressed Yingying Yanyan, she stood out from the crowd and was extremely fresh.

"Isn't it just a piece of emerald? Can this lady still afford to lose? Your good luck doesn't last that long. Do you dare to continue betting?"

Hua Liuyan was so angry that she jumped, but she had no way to turn things around, she could only let her continue to gamble so that she could regain her face.

"Don't worry, I still need to see what good things I have."

Yun Jinli said calmly, showing no sign of being incited by the painting smoke at all.

"I hope nothing good comes out."

All the girls are now hoping that there should not be any good things in their own stones, otherwise it will hurt to think about it.

Of course, some people expected that the things they prescribe would be better than Yun Jinli's.

However, it turns out that it was just wishful thinking.

"Look, it's a piece of ice jade."

"My God, that piece of blue and white crystal is so beautiful."

"There is also ruby ​​agate, which is of great color."

"It's so useless! It's not as good as the top-grade sky sapphire. I hope nothing will come out."

The stones carefully selected by everyone have lived up to their expectations, and many good things have been sold, but the result made them want to cry.

"My heart hurts so much! Things are so good, but they are destined not to be mine."

"I want to cry right now."

"If you don't gamble, that beautiful pink peach crystal will be mine."

Some people feel very regretful, thinking that if they didn't want to gamble, they just bought stones, and no matter whether the price is good or bad, it is her own.

Now, knowing that it is impossible to surpass Yun Jinli, but they still have to watch their own stone being cut open, and the moment when something good is opened, it is a moment that makes them feel sad.

"Thank you everyone! I never expected that Ben Gong would receive so many gifts. According to the bet, these are all Ben Gong's."

Yun Jinli put away a large pile of shiny jade crystals, which made them extremely aggrieved.

"It's just a match, why don't you dare?"

Hua Liuyan said relentlessly, refusing to let Yun Jinli leave.

"It's okay to ask me to continue betting with you. The rules are still the same as before, but there is one thing that needs to be changed."

Yun Jinli said lightly, "They want to leave, but she still doesn't!"
Want to play with her?
Then play bigger!

"What is going to change?"

Hua Liuyan asked, as long as Yun Jinli is willing to bet with them, he will lose sooner or later.

Good luck cannot always be with her.

"Naturally, the venue is going to change. How can a person like Bengong with a net worth of hundreds of millions bet with you in this kind of place? If you want to gamble, go there."

Yun Jinli smiled slightly, and pointed towards the inner courtyard with her slender hands.

Everyone exclaimed when they heard her words.

"No way? Any stone in there will cost tens of millions. And tens of millions is not the most expensive, but the cheapest."

"I heard that there are hundreds of millions of stones."

"It's all in there."

The insider spoke.

"Of course, if you dare not, or if someone wants to withdraw, then I will go back."

Yun Jinli glanced at Hua Liuyan provocatively, to see if she could let everyone enter with her.

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(End of this chapter)

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