The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1082 This Stone Is Very Expensive

Chapter 1082 This Stone Is Very Expensive

"Don't go!"

"She's leaving, so aren't we losing in vain?"

"You're so angry! Especially when she still looks like she deserves a beating."

"It's too crazy, I can't bear it."

These proud ladies from aristocratic families immediately refused when they heard that Yun Jinli was about to leave.

"Everyone go to the second courtyard. If you can't afford stones, Miss Ben can lend you money."

Hua Liuyan spoke with a very generous look.

"I thought Miss Hua wanted to give them money! I didn't expect it was just a loan!"

Yun Jinli didn't forget to sarcastically draw Liuyan, which made her feel embarrassed.

However, Hua Liuyan was very cautious and was not taken into the trap by Yun Jinli. If they wanted to give it away, then they would choose a stone worth hundreds of millions. Wouldn't she be at a big loss?
So she just said to borrow it, not to give it to them.

"Everyone comes from major families, so are you still afraid that she will fail as a young lady of the Liu family?"

Lan Xiu opened her mouth to encourage everyone, and these ladies felt that they could not admit defeat after hearing this.

"Okay, let's go in too."

"Just bet, you must win this time."

"Let's go! Let's go in."

Everyone couldn't wait to get back to the venue, so they poured into the second courtyard one after another.

Passing through an enchantment gate, they entered the second courtyard.

This place is completely different from the outside. If the outside is a quarry, then there is an exquisite garden inside.

Big stones are placed in different places, the ground is covered with green grass, and there are many beautiful and rare flowers planted between the gaps in the stones.

There are also stones placed under a big tree, which looks as if it existed here originally, which is pleasing to the eye.

There is only a middle-aged man guarding here, his face is serious, and he looks cold and hard.

The man was wearing a gray cloth shirt and a kerchief on his head, resting against a stone.

"This man is interesting."

Yun Jinli observed the man's hands. They were a pair of very characteristic hands, they looked very clean, and they didn't look like a man's hands, but more like a woman's hands.

Those hands are very fair, and there are no calluses at the same time, they look like jade.

"Whoever moves the stone here means that he has chosen it. You can only look at it, not touch it."

The middle-aged man's voice came from his stomach, his mouth didn't move, and it wasn't through his spiritual consciousness.

It's a ventriloquism.

It was also the first time Yun Jinli had seen someone speak ventriloquism, and it felt a little fresh in her heart.

"I can't touch it, so how do I choose?"

Everyone was speechless for a while, some people came in to watch the excitement, but they dared not approach those stones at all.

They had seen these people fighting so well outside, so they also wanted to see what they would come up with inside.

At this time, Yun Jinli was suddenly pushed by someone and bumped into a big rock beside her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

Lan Xiu opened her mouth and said, seeing that Yun Jinli was about to hit the big rock worth [-] million, she immediately said hypocritically.

However, when Yun Jinli was a little away from the stone, she stopped there, then stretched out her foot to hook, and knocked Lanxiu down on the stone.

"Ah! Why are you so careless? This stone is very expensive."

Yun Jinli said with a smile, making Lan Xiu's complexion pale.

She naturally knew that this stone was very expensive, but she didn't expect to bump into it.

Anyone who touches the stones here will buy them, and if they don't pay, they will implicate the family.

At that time, the money will still have to be obtained from the family.

 Good night, little snowflakes!

(End of this chapter)

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