The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1083 I Don't Have That Much Money

Chapter 1083 I Don't Have That Much Money

"I... I don't have that much money! Miss Hua! What should I do?"

When Lanxiu saw the price of [-] million, tears immediately rolled down her eyes.

"Blah blah blah!"

Her tears were like rain and couldn't stop.

"You're too careless! These [-] million stones cost us so much that we can't even afford them. If Dad finds out, he will definitely break your legs."

Lan Zhen was also frightened, she opened her mouth to scold Lan Xiu, but she didn't know why her leg suddenly hurt, and she fell to the side halfway along the way.

Seeing that the price of the stone on one side was [-] million, she hurriedly backed away, subconsciously supported the stone on the other side, and stabilized her figure.

It's just that when she turned her head, her face became extremely pale.

Because when she saw the stone in front of her, which cost [-] million yuan, she rolled her eyes and fainted.

But she has already touched this stone, so no matter whether it is [-] million or more, she will buy it.

Want to default?Sorry, Yishixuan is very powerful and spread all over the world.Even the Hua family would not dare to offend Yi Shixuan easily.

Because Yishixuan is not a power of any clan, but an alliance that has gathered many powerful people.

After all, these stones come from many dangerous places in the restricted area, and many big clans dare not go deep into those places.In Yishixuan's strong alliance, the lowest strength is the supreme level.

There are also many old immortals, who can be regarded as a very strong force in Longyuan Continent and even in the Three Thousand Spiritual Domain.

Yishixuan is one of the top ten forces in the Three Thousand Spiritual Realm, and no matter which clan they belong to, they don't want to offend them.

"Can I not buy it? It's too expensive."

Lanxiu saw that Lanzhen did such a stupid thing, if she just chose the [-] million yuan, it would be great!
This is a full eight hundred million. Thinking about this astronomical figure, she was too scared to cry.

The fear was so extreme that he didn't even dare to cry.

Yun Jinli glanced at them lightly, her eyes were contemptuous and proud, she took steps calmly, shuttled between the stones.

"If you touch it, you have to buy it. Gambling on stones is based on chance and luck. These chance stones are contaminated with your breath, and no one else will want them."

The middle-aged man said with a normal face, with unspeakable toughness in his tone.

Even in the process of transporting the chance stone, no one touches it with body, they are all wrapped in spiritual power, and then carefully covered with an isolation barrier.

The chance stones here are not comparable to those scum outside. The ordinary stones outside are called raw stones, spirit stones or original spirit stones, and those names are all called by outsiders.But the truly valuable ones are called opportunity stones in the industry.

With a stone in hand, the fate is determined.

"Is there any difference between the chance stone and the original spirit stone outside? You can touch it casually outside."

Someone asked.

"The outside is rubbish, and the inside is full of treasures."

"Isn't it? It's completely incomparable."

"The price is also very different."

"Even if it's a treasure, the skin doesn't come off after touching it, why should I buy it?"

Lan Xiu wanted to say a few words at first, but was stopped by the painting Liuyan.

"Don't offend Master Shangguan, otherwise I won't be able to keep you."

Hua Liuyan frowned and said impatiently.

The two sisters are so stupid, can't they grow some snacks?
This kind of follower really made her feel ashamed, but she couldn't turn her face and deny people at this moment.

After all, everyone saw that they were getting close to her, and she personally said outside that she could lend money to everyone.

Now thinking that they might ask him to borrow money, Hua Liuyan showed a look of avoiding it.

(End of this chapter)

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