Chapter 1093 Top Powerful Force

"Isn't that the same as an auction?"

Yun Jinli thought for a while, and explained the treasure appraising event in easier-to-understand words.

"It's not impossible to say that. The Appreciating Treasure Fair is a huge auction in which the entire Three Thousand Spiritual Domains participated. However, the things that are auctioned are different from ordinary things."

Mo Yu once followed Bei Chenjue to the Appreciating Treasure Fair, which can really be called a grand festival.

There are countless top-level baby artifacts, as well as various natural and earthly treasures.

"What's the difference?"

Yun Jinli sat aside and listened attentively.

"The item auctioned in this treasure appraising event may be a city, a mountain range, a spiritual cave, or even an ancient tomb."

When Mo Yu recalled the treasure appraisal event, his face showed a look of amazement.

Bei Chenjue, as the lord of the Yunting Xingfu, was invited to participate in the treasure appraisal event of the Three Thousand Spiritual Realm, and he was lucky enough to see that magnificent scene.

"Sounds good, these auction items, I am afraid only some big forces can buy them?"

When Yun Jinli heard about the items being auctioned, it was obvious that ordinary people could not afford them.

"Yes, those who can be invited are all top-level powerful forces, and there are even evil forces such as the Wan Gu sect."

Mo Yu spoke.

In fact, the Appreciation of Treasures Fair is a battle of power.

In addition to some decent forces, there are also many evil forces involved.

Those evil forces are headed by Wan Gu Sect, Night Ghost Valley, and the Three Great Demon Palaces, and their forces are not weaker than decent ones.

"Myriad Gu Sect."

Yun Jinli now understands that the Wan Gu Sect should have close ties with the Zhao Clan, but it would be impossible to uproot them.

There are a lot of people in the sect, including old and young, and everyone has a family.

Those old and weak women and children who belong to the Ten Thousand Gu sect, although they know how to use Gu, are not guilty of death, that is just their way of survival.

Yun Jinli is a person who distinguishes right from wrong, and will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. She will find out all those who participated in the harm of her and her father from the Wan Gu Sect, and let them pay with their blood.

But for other people, she will not kill innocent people indiscriminately under the guise of so-called justice.

She feels that there are no good people in the cult, and it is not that there are bad people among the decent.

"Crown Princess, Master Shangguan has started cutting the stone you chose."

Seeing Yun Jinli in a daze, Mo Yu reminded her.

"It's mine."

Yun Jinli looked over, and although she was able to figure out a general idea, she still had to wait until it was cut out to find out what it was.

Grandmaster Shangguan is standing in front of the stone of chance that is as tall as an adult man. This stone is almost as tall as him, and it is a medium-sized stone.

He began to peel off the stone skin from above, layer after layer of stone skin fell down, making everyone's eyes fall on his hands.

This game was a gamble between Yun Jinli and those ladies from aristocratic families, and the jade materials they offered were all placed on the stone table beside them.

If the things that Yun Jinli offered were of higher value than theirs, then these things would not belong to them anymore.

Therefore, they are naturally very concerned about the progress of Master Shangguan's stone cutting, so that they can be sure whether their own things are still their own.

"There seems to be nothing."

"It appears that this may also be empty."

"That's right! I think the Crown Princess has been killed this time."

"It's time for her to lose once, Master Appreciation is nothing more than that."


At this time, there was a crisp sound, half of the height of the stone had been peeled off, and nothing appeared yet, but Master Shangguan stopped his hand suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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