The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1094 You will know when you open it

Chapter 1094 You will know when you open it
Master Shangguan, who was always confident in his stone-cutting skills, was afraid to peel off the remaining stone skin at this moment.

He stretched out his hand to touch the stone skin, and he could already feel a strange fluctuation seeping out from it, making him tremble all over.

"Look, even Master Shangguan didn't think it was necessary to peel it off. This stone must be a waste stone with no chance."

Lan Xiu immediately said excitedly, after seeing Yun Jinli show off all the limelight, she must be finally deflated now!

"Anyway, there is still half of it, no matter how you say it, you have to peel it off!"

Elder Jiang said unwillingly that he was optimistic about Yun Jinli.

"Don't talk, don't you see that Master Shangguan is setting up the formation? I am afraid that something good has been born."

Someone said, and the breathing became a little short.

Everyone looked at Master Shangguan and found that he was really forming an formation.

"This must be something extraordinary, otherwise Master Shangguan wouldn't be so cautious."

"It's getting more and more exciting."

"The stone of chance that Master Shangguan treats so carefully is absolutely remarkable!"

They couldn't see what was inside, but they were very aware of Master Shangguan's ability, and his cautious appearance made everyone nervous.

Especially Hua Liuyan and the others clenched their fists nervously at this moment, with the embroidered handkerchief in their hands, and the palms of their hands were sweating.

"What the hell is this?"

"Little girl, what do you think will be in this chance stone?"

Someone couldn't help asking Yun Jinli, since she has such a powerful ability to appreciate treasures, maybe she knows what's inside?

"You'll know when you drive out, don't worry."

Yun Jinli originally planned to drink tea, but suddenly put down the teacup, a sneer curled up on the corner of her lips.

In the tea, someone secretly poisoned him at some point.

This kind of trick must have been done by painting Liuyan.

"It seems that if you don't teach her a lesson, she won't know who she can't afford. Want to fight Gu with me? Ha ha!"

Yun Jinli's eyes turned cold, and the power of Supreme Gu in her body was activated.

Little Butterfly knew that someone was going to use Gu to harm his mother, felt that his majesty was being provoked, and immediately sent out an invisible wave.


Hua Liuyan suddenly let out a scream, stretched out his hands to cover his stomach, and rolled on the ground.

The unfeeling Gu in her body actually broke out, she was obviously not emotional, how could it break out?
This is the first time she has tasted the pain of unfeeling Gu attack, when she used love pollen to harm Mo Fuyan, she never thought that she would have this day.

She screamed, convulsed in pain, and foamed at the mouth.

The original image of a noble lady suddenly collapsed.

She rolled on the ground, but no one dared to stop her, they could only move out of the way.

She slammed into the chance stone beside her, and she didn't know how many pieces she hit along the way.

She was in so much pain that she no longer had any ability to think. She never knew that the poison in her body would be so tormenting when it hurt, it made her wish to hit her head to death.

"Ah! Help... hurry... find my father..."

She shouted intermittently, and now only her father can save her.

"Go find someone."

After all, this is the territory of the Hua Clan, and when something happened to Hualiuyan, someone immediately informed Zhao Xiang.

But Zhao Xiang is not in the house at the moment, and is preparing something to temporarily wake up the patriarch Hua.

Hua Nuanchun rushed over, seeing her daughter in pain, her heart ached terribly.

"Go and call the doctor!"

Seeing her daughter's current appearance, she thought she was suffering from some kind of disease, so she hurriedly sent for a doctor.

"Missy has touched all these chance stones, please pay for them."

A boy said.

 Remember to hit five stars if you like it!Otherwise, the rating will be lowered!

  Xiao Geer is also very serious and hardworking in writing the book, five stars are given to Her Majesty the Queen!

(End of this chapter)

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