Chapter 1095 Buying so many discounts


Hua Nuanchun arranged for someone to invite the doctor, and then he heard what the servant said.

Because of the large number of people today, a servant came to help, otherwise it would be enough for Master Shangguan to take charge alone.

"These chance stones are all tainted with Missy's aura, so I bought them for Missy by default. If Madam doesn't believe it, you can check it yourself."

The boy pointed to the messy stones on the side, all of which were knocked down by the flowing smoke.

"In that case, Madam Ben will pay for it."

Hua Nuanchun said proudly, as the current ruler of the Hua clan, she naturally cannot be laughed at here.

"Mom! It hurts..."

Hua Liuyan, tears and snot flowing together, originally wanted Yun Jinli's intestines to rot, but she didn't expect her intestines to be twisted together, the pain was so painful that she bit her lip.

There is Gu in her body, but she wants to provoke the master of Supreme Gu, which is to commit suicide.

Yun Jinli threw away the cup of tea, replaced it with a teacup, and continued to drink tea leisurely.

She doesn't sympathize with Hua Liuyan at all, why should she be kind to the enemy?
She was not out of her mind, so naturally she would not sympathize with Hua Liuyan because of her misery at the moment.

"A total of 35 billion, which has already saved a fraction for my wife. It is a discount for buying so much at once."

The boy said with a smile, his attitude was very good.

"35 billion! Why don't you grab it?"

Hua Nuanchun was immediately stunned, how long it took, and 35 billion was gone.

Seeing the still rolling smoke, she quickly steadied her body and knocked her out.

If she is allowed to go down again, she will go bankrupt.

"Ma'am, please pay attention to your words. We, Yishixuan, all have clearly marked prices, no deception, fair trade, you love me."

The boy said that he was studying appraising treasures at Yishixuan, and he was an apprentice with Master Shangguan.

"It's Madam Ben who made a mistake in her words, so I'll pay right away. These spirit stones may be able to offer something good, and the 35 billion won't be wronged by then."

Hua Nuanchun said so, but he knew in his heart that those who chose randomly would definitely lose money.

She immediately went to the small treasury to fetch spirit crystal coins, but she found that the remaining billions in the small treasury had disappeared.

At this moment, she thought it was a thief, and after inquiring about it immediately, she found out that Hua Liuyan had taken it away.

"This prodigal daughter!"

She couldn't help cursing, the husband and wife worked hard for many years, and finally managed to save 50 billion worth of property, but they didn't expect to be wiped out by Hualiuyan in one day.

The Hua clan has a profound background, but the old woman was wary of them, so she didn't hand over the key to the Hua clan's treasure house.

It was because of this incident that she was full of hatred for the Hua patriarch.

The doctor rushed over quickly, but he was helpless about the situation of Hualiuyan.

Not long after she was in a coma, she woke up in severe pain and screamed again.

"Send Missy back."

Hua Nuanchun opened his mouth and said, if she were to yell here, Miss Hua Clan would lose all face.

"Mom, I won't leave...I want to see the final...result!"

Hua Liuyan was in excruciating pain at the moment, but he insisted on watching Yun Jinli lose here.

She believed that her chance stone would definitely be able to produce very good things.

Seeing Yun Jinli drinking tea, she was filled with resentment.

After the stone betting was over, she activated the Gu poison, making it impossible for her to live or die.


Hua Nuanchun saw that Hua Liuyan persisted, so she could only hold her still, and then temporarily silenced her voice.

"Go and find the master and come back."

Now the doctor has no choice but to find Zhao Xiang.

(End of this chapter)

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