The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1105 Could it be that you are also in the church

Chapter 1105 Could it be that you are also in the church

A black shadow came towards Yun Jinli's back with a vicious palm wind.

She was holding the human form of Tai Sui right now, so she had no time to react.


A thunderbolt from Xilingtian's palm struck towards the black shadow, directly splitting him until he was scorched on the outside and tender on the inside.

As if this wasn't enough to relieve his anger, his pupils turned from gold to silver, and countless thunder pillars came through the air, chasing the black shadow and slashing wildly.

If the black shadow hadn't escaped in time with a secret method, he might have been hacked to death.

Yun Jinli immediately took the human form of Tai Sui into the Zhiyue Ying network and handed it over to Master Ta to take care of it.

Because of that heart, Master Ta felt that he owed Yun Jinli a favor, so he took care of the humanoid Tai Sui plant on his behalf.

But Zhiyue Yingluo is a good place, after the humanoid Tai Sui entered, he didn't want to leave at all.

"Xiao Tian."

Yun Jinli looked up at Xilingtian, a pair of moist eyes under the eyelashes showed a warm color.


The Xiling Tianxia consciously responded, only then did he realize what he had said.

She called him Xiaotian, but he answered so damn well.

"Thank you!"

The smile on the corners of Yun Jinli's lips was like flowers blooming in summer, so beautiful that his eyes were blurred.

His heartbeat couldn't stop speeding up.

This feeling made him feel uneasy. He felt that after getting close to her, he would become strange. He didn't answer her, but frowned from time to time.

Leng Shuang and Shangguan were busy clearing the scene, the ladies of the family had already fled out in fright, and those who didn't want to offend Yi Shixuan also retreated, leaving behind a pile of dead bodies.

"What's your name?"

When Xilingtian was about to leave, he suddenly asked.

"I'll tell you next time we meet."

Yun Jinli replied that he really didn't remember her, but even though he didn't remember himself, he still gave her the elixir.

His actions made her understand that although he couldn't remember the past, he was still her best friend Xiaotian.

"it is good."

Xilingtian nodded and walked out of Yishixuan.

Only Yun Jinli, Mo Yu, Leng Shuang, Shangguan Xian and the boy who cleaned up the corpses were left here.

"This is the Lengshuang Xuan master of our Yishi Xuan."

Shangguan Xian introduced to Yun Jinli that there were many outsiders before, and it was not convenient for him to introduce.

Yun Jinli is from their Yishixuan, so it is only right that they know who the owner of the Xuanxuan is.

"Sister Shuang! Hello!"

Yun Jinli waved at Leng Shuang, but she was not as fearful as the others.

"You are very good, be careful yourself, we can protect you in Yishixuan, but you will no longer be safe when you leave here."

Lengshuang was not as cold as her name, but instead reminded Yun Jinli.

"Thank you Sister Shuang for reminding me, but I have a small question, I want to ask Sister Shuang."

When Yun Jinli heard the name Lengshuang, it sounded very familiar.

She suddenly remembered where she had heard the name before.

"You said."

Leng Shuang admired Yun Jinli very much, and felt that she was very talented, and Yishixuan needed such a talent.

"Are you the head of the church?"

Yun Jinli blinked her spiritual eyes, and looked at Leng Shuang curiously.

"You know quite a lot. Could it be that you are also in the church?"

When Leng Shuang heard her words, if she wasn't a student in the holy hall, she probably wouldn't know that she was Hall Master Leng.

"Yes! Maybe we will have a chance to meet in the future."

Yun Jinli smiled slightly, then walked outside.

"I am leaving."

"A funny little cutie, but why haven't I seen her in the sept?"

Leng Shuang said to herself, looking at Yun Jinli's disappearing back, she felt inexplicably familiar.

As soon as Yun Jinli came out of Yishixuan, she saw a tall figure.

"We meet again, should you tell me your name?"

 Good night little snowflakes! ^_^
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(End of this chapter)

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