Chapter 1106

Xilingtian supported the wall with one hand, and leaned against the courtyard wall of Yishixuan.

The long gilt hair hangs down like a golden waterfall, shining brightly in the sun.

The handsome face with sharp edges and corners is as delicate as a sculpture in the hands of a master.

His appearance exudes the charm of a foreign king, with big eyes, long eyelashes, a high nose bridge, handsome and wild.

He is of the blood of the holy lion, and now that his blood is fully awakened, he naturally exudes the arrogance of a king who dominates the world.

"My name is Jinli."

Looking at the handsome face of Xilingtian who was so close at hand, Yun Jinli couldn't help shaking her head.

It's still the same face, why do they look like two people?

Xi Lingtian blurted out the title, as if he had called her that way a long time ago.

Yun Jinli smiled slightly, and when he called her, it seemed as if she had returned to the time when they were together.

At that time, he was not the King of Xiling, but just a young man who had not lost his childishness.

"Oh it's you."

What he said made Yun Jinli puzzled for a while, wondering what he meant?
"What's wrong with me?"

Yun Jinli asked curiously.

Xilingtian didn't answer, but just stretched out his hand and gently stroked the finger wrench on his hand.

The word "Jinli" was engraved on his finger.

This finger ring is a token of the King of Xiling, and he will never leave him no matter what.

He accidentally discovered that the name on it was engraved in ancient characters, and other people didn't know the meaning of it.

In his forgotten memory, he believed that this name must be very important to him.

He never knew what the name really meant.

Now that he heard Yun Jinli's answer, he knew it was her.

Someone he wants to remember.

"Xiao Tian, ​​I'm going back to my residence."

Seeing that he was in a daze, Yun Jinli spoke.

She still needs to unlock the Nine Palace Dream Lock of her grandma, go back and think about it, and see if she can find a way.

Seeing her stepping away, Xilingtian immediately followed her.

He didn't speak, just walked beside her like this.

After leaving Yishixuan, someone followed Yun Jinli secretly.

The elixir is very attractive, not to mention that Yun Jinli has obtained so many natural and earthly treasures, naturally some people are very excited.

When they saw Yun Jinli approaching the residence, they couldn't hold back and immediately started to grab her.


Thunderbolts descended from the sky and struck towards those people.

The power of the thunder was so fierce that they were chopped to pieces, and they couldn't find the north, south, east, and west at all.


The screams were so endless that those who followed Yun Jinli felt their scalps go numb.

"The power of this thunder is so powerful, the royal family of Xiling is also too powerful."

Seeing that Xilingtian was able to control Lei Ting so easily, everyone was extremely afraid of it.

"The bodyguards around the little girl are a bit strong!"

"The royal family of Xiling are all her bodyguards, she's really honored."

"This young man is a bit too strong."

Those old guys originally wanted to rob Yun Jinli, but they didn't expect such a powerful bodyguard by her side, so they could only watch her return to her residence.

There are many guards in the inner courtyard of the Hua clan, and there are also strong guards from the older generation of the Hua clan. They cannot do anything inside, otherwise they will offend the entire Hua clan.

"Fortunately, this princess has no power or power, and she comes from an unknown small family. After she leaves the painting clan, it's not too late to do it."

They had such an idea, so they didn't continue to chase.

Xilingtian sent Yun Jinli to her residence, and he wanted to make sure she was safe before leaving.

 Ge'er is not feeling well today, and she is exhausted from staying up all night writing books.

(End of this chapter)

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