Chapter 1119 Not sure I can deal with it

"Are you going now? You've been running around for a long day."

Xiao DianDian felt sorry for Miss Sister, her big eyes were filled with sparkling light, and she looked extremely cute.

"Well, let's go now. If we delay any longer, we won't have a chance."

Yun Jinli summoned God Luanqing and Bai Li, and brought Bi Luo with her.

After they learned about this, they thought the same as Yun Jinli.

"Stupid woman, you're right this time, as long as we give that ancient beast a little more time, we won't be able to deal with it."

Master Luanqing said, he didn't want to take care of this troublesome matter, but this stupid woman wanted to take care of it, so he could only bite the bullet and do it.

This little woman is not afraid, how can he be cowardly?
"Xiao Jin, to be honest, we are not sure that we can deal with it now."

Bai Li said frankly that the Great God is too embarrassing to say it out, but he will not hide it.

"I have the Nine Palaces Dream Lock here. As long as you restrain it, you can use the Nine Palaces Dream Lock to make it fall asleep."

Yun Jinli took out the Nine Palaces Dream Lock, which was a magic weapon against that ancient monster, and hoped it would come in handy.

"Let's go and see the situation first. If it is too strong, then we will withdraw it and have a long-term plan."

"Well, that's all there is to it."

God Luanqing nodded, following this little woman, his life became more thrilling and exciting.

This is too unbelievable, the days he experienced before were not as interesting as the short time with her.

She really has the arrogance that people will die wherever she goes.

"However, as far as I know, the murderous thing can be hidden, and it can't be found at all."

Bai Li also knew that the ominous creature could devour living beings to strengthen itself, and the most difficult thing to deal with it was its concealment.

"It's a little bit there, you can find it."

Yun Jinli patted Xiaodiandian's shoulder, and he immediately stood up and patted his chest.

"Leave it to me."

Xiao DianDian's childish voice sounds cute and soft.

"Mother, can Yiyi go too?"

Xiao Yunyi was holding a slap-sized spirit stone in her hand, and was biting it "clack-crack-crack-clack", looking at Yun Jinli expectantly with her beady eyes.

She stayed in the Phoenix God Tower every day, and felt so bored!

"It's fine for Yiyi to go, but you have to stay close to your mother and don't run around."

Yun Jinli said, if there is any danger, she will take Xiao Yunyi into the Phoenix Tower.


Xiao Yunyi cheered happily, and immediately ran to Xiao DianDian's side.

"Little uncle, Yiyi can also go with you."

"Well, then Yiyi has to be good."

Xiao DianDian doesn't look too big herself, and now she explained like a little adult, Xiao Yunyi nodded obediently, this scene looks very interesting.

A group of people sneaked into the night, Xiao Dian Dian led the way with the Brahma Bell in his hand.

They came to a courtyard. This courtyard building is quite gorgeous. It seems that the people who live here are not low in the painting clan.

"Miss, it's inside."

The Brahma clock in Xiaodian's hand emitted a faint golden light, if it hadn't been suppressed by Xiaodian, it would have been about to fly.

"It's eerily quiet in here."

Yun Jinli explored the courtyard with her spiritual sense. Normally, there would be many patrolling guards, but there seemed to be no one here at the moment.

"Go in and have a look."

The night was extremely dark, and the moon in the sky was covered by dark clouds, making the yard look gloomy.

There wasn't even a single light inside, and the atmosphere seemed a bit depressing.

(End of this chapter)

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