Chapter 1120 Don't Hurt My Mother

They approached the house in the dark, and this supposedly gorgeous building now only showed a dark blurred shadow.

The dead courtyard gave people a very uneasy feeling.

Yun Jinli held Xiao Yunyi's hand. Originally, the little girl was very happy to come out to get some air, but when she came here, she didn't dare to vent her anger.


Xiao Yunyi suddenly screamed, her voice full of fear.

The sound resounded in the silent and dark courtyard, and it was particularly frightening.

"Yiyi, don't be afraid! Mother is here!"

Yun Jinli comforted her, wondering what terrible scene Xiao Yunyi had seen.

"Mother, look over there!"

Xiao Yunyi pointed forward with her trembling little hand.

Her courage was not small, but she was still frightened.

Yun Jinli's eyes followed Xiao Yunyi's small hand, and looked towards the diagonal corner to the left.

Seeing the picture in front of her, she was also taken aback.

On that big tree, there were pieces of human skin floating, which looked particularly oozing.

"No, that monster has eaten so many people, I'm afraid it has regained its vitality, let's go."

Great God Luanqing saw that the courtyard was full of people, and there was only one piece of skin left, and his scalp was numb when he looked at it.

Suddenly, Yun Jinli turned her head and saw a pair of blue eyes staring at them in the darkness.

The faint blue light is particularly eye-catching in the dark.

"It's it!"

Xiao DianDian cried out, the faint light was like two balls of flames, it was shocking even looking at it.

"If you are discovered, you will not be able to leave, so let's fight!"

The butterfly and phoenix flames in Yun Jinli's hands flew in all directions, illuminating the entire courtyard immediately.

There are no other living people here, if left alone, the consequences will be terrible.

A fire phoenix flew up, and the surrounding walls of fire surrounded the entire courtyard.

"Mother, Yiyi will help you."

A purple golden holy orchid condensed in Xiao Yunyi's hand, flew towards the sky, and then turned into a barrier, covering the entire courtyard.

The image of the Taoist was a ferocious beast, rushing towards them.

The great god Luanqing immediately greeted him, and the little red bird was also very powerful.

With a slight flap of its small wings, the flames and gusts of wind swept past.

The figure dodged the flames and wind, but his body was still set on fire.


Thunder light condensed in Yun Jinli's palm, and there were ice crystals in the lightning light. Ever since she mastered the power of ice thunder, she hadn't used it much.

What the evil things in the world are most afraid of is thunder. She wove a net of thunder and shrouded the figure.

"Heavenly Brahma Bell! Suppressing Demons!"

Xiaodian hit the Brahma Bell, which enveloped the man's head, controlling the power of the Brahma Bell.


Under the action of these forces, the man let out a cry of pain, and roared like a beast.

"Xiao Jin, let's suppress it, quickly use the Nine Palaces Dream Lock."

Bai Li used his soul power to frighten the evil thing, buying time for Yun Jinli.

Yun Jinli took out the Nine Palaces Dream Lock, and wanted to combine the lock with dream magic to put the ancient evil into a deep sleep.

However, at this moment, the barrier was forcibly broken.

"What are you going to do to my son? Let him go!"

A middle-aged man flew towards Yun Jinli angrily, and slapped Yun Jinli with his palm.

When she was performing her dream technique, she couldn't be disturbed by anyone, and she couldn't move around, otherwise she would suffer backlash.

"Bad guy! Go away! Don't hurt my mother!"

Seeing someone attacking Yun Jinli, Xiao Yunyi flapped her wings and flew up, blocking the opponent's attack and protecting her mother.

But her small body was hit to the ground and rolled around a few times.

 Search for the author's name: Fenglichen, you can find the book recommended by Geer. "Poison Doctor and Crazy Concubine: The Evil King Bullies the Couch, Too Ferocious" please support with five stars!

(End of this chapter)

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