The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1136 Witnessing an Important Moment

Chapter 1136 Witnessing an Important Moment

Yun Jinli stepped up to the seat, saw the signboard of the Beichen Royal Family, and sat on the seat.


Bei Chenjue and Xi Lingtian looked at each other, and there was a lot of gunpowder between them.

They took their seats and there was no further conflict.

None of them wanted to make Yun Jinli unhappy, so they agreed to a truce very tacitly.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help being surprised.

"I didn't expect them to actually listen to her."

"This princess is a bit powerful!"

"Did she give His Royal Highness the ecstasy soup?"

"Who knows? Why is this Xiling tribe giving her face like this?"

"There shouldn't be any shady relationship between them?"

Lan Xiu said meanly, and immediately alluded to the unusual relationship between Yun Jinli and Xilingtian.

It was only when her voice fell that she realized that she couldn't move at all.

The cold air rising from her feet spread all over her body, freezing her in place.

"Let's go, what are you still doing?"

Lan Zhen greeted her, seeing that Lan Xiu didn't move at all, she stretched out her hand, and she fell to the ground straight, her whole body was extremely cold.

Holding the cup in his hand, Bei Chenjue showed a cold gaze.

Seeing Prince Beichen defending the Crown Princess so much, no one dared to talk nonsense anymore.

"Come and help me."

Lan Zhen couldn't help Lan Xiu, so she could only call for someone to drag her aside.

Lan Xiu was dragged away in public, her body was completely frozen, but her face was hot.

Because it was so embarrassing.

Jun Yehan, the envoy of the Heavenly Palace, glanced at Yun Jinli with great interest, and felt that this woman was very domineering.

If it were any other woman, I'm afraid she would have been scared to death long ago.

Not only was she not afraid at all, but she was so domineering that she made the two of them obedient.

Everyone sat down one after another, and the Hua patriarch sat on the main seat.

Zhao Xiang's face was ugly. He found that his Jiugong Mengsuo was missing, and suspected that Hua Liuyan had stolen it.

He guessed that Hua Liuyan secretly took the Jiugong Mengsuo in order to get the support of Hua Patriarch.

Hua Nuanchun's complexion is also very bad at the moment, because Hualiuyan ruined their family and property, and Zhao Xiang was almost assassinated to death, the whole family was full of smog.

Now that the Hua patriarch woke up early, it was completely out of their plan.

In addition to painting the patriarch, they also saw that Old Sheng was also on the main seat.

"This old guy's life is really great! Could it be that thing, can it really cure her?"

Hua Nuanchun couldn't help thinking this way, if it was really wrong, it would be too irritating.

"Thank you for coming to Laoshen's birthday banquet. Laoshen's health is not good enough. Please forgive me. Taking advantage of Laoshen's birthday banquet today, Laoshen will announce the successor of the next Patriarch of the Painting Clan."

The Hua patriarch's voice fell clearly, and everyone cheered up immediately.

Many people have guessed that the Hua patriarch is old and it is almost time to abdicate.

However, members of the Hua clan have already guessed the successor of the Hua patriarch.

"I also invite the messengers of the Heavenly Palace to witness this important moment for the Huazu."

"The Hua Clan is the representative of Xuehai Tiangong in the secular world. The change of the Patriarch of the Hua Clan will be witnessed by Tiangong."

Jun Yehan, the envoy of Tiangong, said that he came here on behalf of Xuehai Tiangong.

"According to the rules of our Hua Clan, the patriarchs of the past dynasties are inherited by the legitimate daughters of the Hua Clan, and this time is naturally no exception. The patriarch of the Hua Clan will be handed over to his great-granddaughter."

The Hua patriarch said unhurriedly, making Hua Liuyan look surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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