The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1137 Officially Granting the Patriarch's Seal

Chapter 1137 Officially Granting the Patriarch's Seal

Hua Nuanchun did not expect that things would go so smoothly.

If I had known that the Hua patriarch would cooperate so much, I wouldn't need them to do so many things.

"It would have been nice to hand over the position of patriarch earlier, but it is only now that he is willing to hand it over. I really can't see the coffin without crying."

She said in her heart that she felt that the patriarch Hua had accepted his fate, so she compromised.

Everyone knows the rules of the Hua clan, so they are not surprised to hear the news announced by the head of the Hua clan.

Both Hua Qingqiu and Huadong were somewhat unwilling, but this was announced by the patriarch Hua and witnessed by the envoys from the Heavenly Palace, so they could not object.

"This is the official seal of the patriarch, let's leave it at the end of the birthday banquet! You can't neglect the distinguished guests."

The leader of the Hua clan spoke, clapped his hands, and the waiters of the Hua clan brought up the delicious food and wine.

"Have a drink together."

Everyone toasted and drank together, tasting the delicacies prepared by the chefs of the Hua family.

"Patriarch Hua, this is a congratulatory gift from our Lan family, a pair of white jade Ruyi."

The representative of the Lan family presented birthday gifts.

Other ethnic groups also sent their rare treasures one after another, and the head of the Hua clan accepted them one by one.

"Grandma, this is a congratulatory gift prepared by my granddaughter. It is a birthday picture drawn by a master of calligraphy and painting."

Hua Liuyan ordered her to unfold her congratulatory gift, and a picture of the pines celebrating the birthday appeared in front of everyone.

This birthday celebration picture was drawn by Qi Wanxun, a great calligrapher and painter himself. It took a lot of effort to draw Liuyan to get this picture.

"This is the authentic work of master Qi Wanxun, and the painting is really wonderful."

"Miss Hua is too caring."

"Qi Wanxun's paintings are very precious, and this birthday celebration painting is even more rare."


Everyone praised him one after another, making Hua Liuyan's face show pride.

She is the brightest pearl in the painting clan, and she will soon become the new patriarch of the painting clan.

After she becomes the patriarch, the loss in Yishixuan is nothing.

The painting family has a profound heritage, and she will have wealth that can rival a country.

The Hua patriarch nodded and accepted the picture.

"Liu Yan has a heart."

"As long as grandma likes it, everything Liuyan does is worth it."

Hua Liuyan said with a smile, with a hard smile on his face.

"I don't know what congratulatory gift the Beichen royal family sent?"

She looked at Yun Jinli, and she specially sent a famous birthday picture before the Beichen royal family gave the gift, just to make the gift she gave look eclipsed.

"No matter what the gift is, it's not for you. What are you so curious about?"

Yun Jinli stood up and walked out slowly.

Wearing a flowing purple shirt with large sleeves, fluttering in the wind, she is full of poetry, against the scrolls hanging on both sides, as if she is walking out of the painting.

The ribbons hanging from the hair are also flying in the wind.

Mo Yu sent congratulatory gifts from the Beichen royal family. These gifts were all ordinary things, expensive but nothing special.

Compared with the famous painting of Liuyan, it is naturally one level worse.

"Hey, I thought the Crown Princess would send some incredible gift, but I didn't expect it to be just these vulgar things."

Hua Liuyan immediately mocked, his tone full of disdain.

The eyes of Patriarch Hua and Old Sheng fell on Yun Jinli with loving eyes.

No matter what gift she gives, she will like it.

"These are congratulatory gifts from the Beichen royal family, and I personally have a gift for Patriarch Hua."

Yun Jinli said.

"I think you'd better not show it to embarrass yourself. You, a young lady of the Little Willow Clan, what kind of decent gift can you send?"

Hua Liuyan sneered and said.

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(End of this chapter)

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