The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 114 It's not a waste of time

Chapter 114 It's not a waste of time

"Little Bai, is he worth our risk?"

Yun Jinli knew the combined strength of the three of them, and she was not sure that she would be able to retreat unscathed.

If the child were to be saved, they would all probably die.

She has felt the voices of other children. Except for this child, the other children have no inner thoughts.

She felt that those children were not like living people, but more like puppets.

The masked people in the whole city have very few thoughts in their hearts, and the strongest thought is to be loyal to their king.

"Xiao Jin, even if it's not worth it, with your character, will you really leave him alone?"

Bai Li noticed that the child was asking Yun Jinli for help, and that look was clearly aimed at her.

He knew Yun Jinli very well. Although she looked cold and cold on the outside, she was warm and soft on the inside.

"You take Xilingtian away first, and I will save him alone."

When Yun Jinli saw the child's pleading eyes, a corner of his heart seemed to be bumped, and a feeling of pity arose.

She was originally a queen of killing and decisiveness, but what cannot be changed is the kindness in her heart.

"No, you can't save anyone by yourself, I will help you."

Bai Li knew that Yun Jinli practiced very fast, but her cultivation time was too short, and she had no chance of winning in front of these powerful seniors.

Their goal is to save people, so outsmarting is fine.

"Jin, if you need me to do something, just ask."

Xilingtian didn't hear the content of the voice transmission between Bai Li and Yun Jinli, but he felt that Yun Jinli seemed to want to save the child, so he volunteered to speak.

"Xilingtian, if we save people, we may not be able to get out of this desert city. You can choose to leave first, and I will tell you the exit."

Yun Jinli said to him seriously, let him make his own decision.

"I won't leave, let's save people together. If you can save one, it's not a waste of time."

Xilingtian said with a smile, he is not afraid of death, he is only afraid of living worthless.

"Okay, let's do this..."

Yun Jinli told them her plan. Although there are many masked people in this city, they all seem a little weird.She couldn't tell exactly what was weird about it.

There was not much time, and soon the old man walked towards the child in the center. The child seemed to feel the danger, and cried even more heartbreakingly.

"It's now!"

Bai Li rushed over, knocking the container in the old man's hand to the ground, and the green juice flowed on the ground.

However, the next moment, the juice started to flow by itself and flew towards Bai Li.

Bai Li immediately dodged away, looking at the liquid that seemed to be a living thing, he felt lingering fear in his heart.

"Hey, you scared me to death! I don't want to be a fox wearing a mask! How can I wear such an ugly mask with such a handsome face?"

After it achieved its purpose, it immediately flew towards those babies.

"Where did the fox come from? Catch it!"

The old man shouted angrily, and ordered people to catch Bai Li.

"Yes! Elder!"

A phantom spirit king went to catch Bai Li, but he dodged very nimbly, so he couldn't catch him.

The old man went to get new juice again, the juice that fell to the ground before could no longer be used.


A raging fire suddenly ignited all around, and the fire spread all at once.

The originally calm crowd suddenly exploded.

Just as everyone was looking at the fire, Yun Jinli landed on the high platform and reached out to hug the child.

The child stopped crying immediately and a smile appeared on his face.

When the old man walked to the high platform and saw that the child had disappeared, he was furious.

(End of this chapter)

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