Chapter 115 Can't let anyone go


The old man's extremely angry voice spread throughout the entire desert city.

"Block the entire city."

His voice came out from the mask, it sounded muffled, but it could penetrate all obstacles and let everyone hear it.

"Don't let anyone go!"

He said angrily, even if he couldn't see the expression under the mask, he could still know his anger.

Because Xilingtian helped to create chaos, Yun Jinli successfully took away the child with her wonderful lightness kung fu.

The child was very well-behaved, and she didn't cry when she held her in her arms.

"let's go!"

Yun Jinli led Xilingtian and Baili to run towards the exit. She learned from the inner thoughts of those people that the exit of the desert city to another world was at another city gate.

One side of the city gate is for entering, and the other side of the city gate is for leaving.

However, although the people in this city know the exit, they will not leave.

Only after receiving the order of the king can they go out to do business.

Ordinary people will stay here for the rest of their lives.

No one resisted, because they never had a heart to resist.

Everyone in the city was looking for Yun Jinli, but these people looked like puppets, they didn't seem to have the ability to think independently, so even though the situation was dangerous, they fled all the way to the other side of the city surrounded by heavy siege.

Yun Jinli's powerful soul power can sense whether someone is approaching nearby.

Xilingtian was so frightened that his palms were sweating.

He has spent the past few days in fear, but because of this, he is much bolder.

Fortunately, with Yun Jinli here, he was not so afraid.

"There is an exit ahead, but the old man has already stopped there! If we want to go out, we must pass through that place."

Yun Jinli was thinking of a way to get past the block of this phantom spirit master?

"Jin, are we going to force our way in?"

Xi Lingtian asked, but he didn't have any ideas in mind.

"You're stupid! This old guy is so strong, there's no way he can force his way in, it's like throwing himself into a trap."

Bai Li couldn't help cursing, he couldn't help this silly boy.

"Jin, this little fox can actually speak human language!"

Xilingtian said in surprise, looking at Baili curiously.

"If you don't speak human words, are you still talking nonsense?"

Bai Li said angrily, now they are hiding on the roof, but this is not the way after all.

"This little fox has such a temper!"

Xilingtian muttered, looking at Yun Jinli pitifully.

"Okay, Xiaobai, stop bullying Xiaotian!"

Yun Jinli felt that Xilingtian was like a child, and called him a different name.

"He should be called Xiaotianzhen!"

Bai Li said that he had never seen such a silly boy.

Is this really a member of the Xiling family?

"If you can't break through, there are only two ways."

Yun Jinli estimated the strength of the few of them, forcibly breaking through without strength would not work at all.

"What way?"

Both Xilingtian and Baili looked at her in unison, not knowing what solution she had come up with.

"The first is to find other exits. Of course, we must be able to find and have such an exit."

Yun Jinli opened her mouth to speak, she paused, and continued to talk about the second method.

"Second, lurk here, and then look for opportunities to sneak out."

"I think the first possibility is still relatively high, but we need to find an exit. I believe that there must be another exit in this desert city."

Bai Li believed that this city could not have only one exit, this ordinary exit was reserved for these ordinary people to come and go, and for those with high status, there must be other secret exits.

"Well. Now we need to find another secret exit!"

Yun Jinli nodded, she also agreed with Bai Li's statement.

(End of this chapter)

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