The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1141 Such a Profound Dream Technique

Chapter 1141 Such a Profound Dream Technique

"It's just a counterfeit. Jiu has occupied the magpie's nest for so many years, and it's time for you to get out."

With a flick of Yun Jinli's long sleeve, countless rainbow-like streamers flew out.

She crushed the white birds that painted Liuyan with the dream-shattering technique.

Hua Liuyan had never learned these profound dream techniques.

Because the patriarch Hua had long suspected that her bloodline was not hers, he did not teach them advanced dream skills, but only taught them some rough dream skills.

Yun Jinli learned dream art late, but it was taught by Granny Hua, who is very talented in the Hua clan.

Granny Hua is a genius in cultivation and has a thorough understanding of the Dream Art of the Hua Clan.

Yun Jinli's dream technique is a whole level higher than painting Liuyan, which is completely different from cloud and mud.

"You! How can you have such advanced dream skills? I have never seen it before."

Hua Liuyan said unwillingly when she saw Yun Jinli break her white bird.

She has been in the painting clan for so many years, and she still has eyesight.

The dream technique Yun Jinli used completely crushed her, not at the same level.

If she learned dream art at the level of elementary school students, then Yun Jinli learned it at the level of college students.

"You are just a counterfeit, how can the profound dream skills of our painting clan be passed on to you?"

Yun Jinli stood in front of the stele. Although the light of the stele behind her had dimmed, everyone remembered her powerful blood power.

Hua Liuyan spat out a mouthful of blood, and the stagnation in her heart gathered in her chest, making her almost unable to breathe.

"If the Nine Beads bloodline is not a direct lineage, then I will kill you head-on."

Hua Qingqiu said, he didn't expect that this crown princess was actually the eldest daughter of the Hua clan.

He didn't know why the eldest daughter of the prostitute was living outside, presumably it was the hands and feet of Hua Nuanchun and the others.

No wonder these years, the patriarch's successor has not been finalized, nor has the young lady been sent to Xuehai Tiangong.

These mysteries lingering in everyone's minds were solved at once.

"This is definitely the hope of our painting clan!"

"How long does it take for a genius with the bloodline of the Nine Beads to appear?"

"She is the eldest daughter of our painting clan, the power of this bloodline is frighteningly strong"

"I think she looks a bit like the patriarch."

"Isn't it? I don't think so, but now I look more and more like it."

The elders of the Hua Clan had seen the Hua Patriarch when he was young, and looking at Yun Jinli now, he really looked like the Hua Patriarch.

"It's the species of our painting family, that's right."

Seeing this result, Bei Chenjue's eyes filled with joy.

Originally, their wedding was opposed by all ethnic groups because of Yun Jinli's background.

He insisted on marrying Yun Jinli, but he didn't want her to be wronged.

Now that Yun Jinli's real life experience is revealed, I am afraid that the various clans will have nothing to say. For those who fiercely oppose it, this result will be a slap in the face.

They keep saying that Yun Jinli's background is not worthy of being a princess, but now she is the eldest daughter of the Hua family. Besides her, who else is worthy of him?

He couldn't help raising the corners of his lips when he thought of the wonderful expressions on those people's faces when they heard the news.

An old woman sitting on the side seat had an ugly look on her face.

She was the concubine Ji who planned to drop her back then. She thought she was going to get ahead, but she was beaten back to her original shape in an instant.

All the well-thought-out arrangements were ruined.

"Let everyone see a joke. I haven't introduced my great-granddaughter who has been lost for many years. She is also the heir of the painting family chosen by me."

The Hua patriarch announced, extinguishing Hua Liuyan's last hope.

 Good night, Little Snow Flower, the monthly pass is for Her Royal Highness the Queen! ^_^
  Congratulations to Baby Han Fei for becoming the leader of this book!Very domineering!Geer loves you!

(End of this chapter)

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