The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1142 It Wasn't Drawing Flowing Smoke

Chapter 1142 It Wasn't Drawing Flowing Smoke

"What? It's not painting Liuyan."

The sisters of the Lan family felt like crying right now, and they worked so hard to please Hua Liuyan because she was the eldest daughter of the Hua family.

However, the princess who was trampled down by them now turned over and became the eldest daughter of the painting family.

Hua Liuyan is just a counterfeit!

"How can this embarrass me? This shameful counterfeit has deceived us so badly."

A lady from an aristocratic family immediately turned around and pointed at Hua Liuyan, wanting to regain a little bit of the image that had been completely destroyed before.

"The crown princess is actually the real eldest daughter of the painting clan."

Everyone opened their mouths so wide that they could almost stuff an egg into them.

"We actually offended her by being blind."

Some people want to cry but have no tears.

"My guts are green with regret now."

I wish I could do it all over again.

"If I had known that her background was so noble, I wouldn't offend her no matter what."

"She is really too much! She is obviously the eldest daughter of the Hua family, but she bears the name of the little-known Liu family, which made us think she is easy to bully."

Those who bullied Yun Jinli from the Liu clan before were all crying blind.

"This is simply pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

Seeing them beating their chests and stamping their feet one by one, Bei Chenjue felt that this scene was particularly exciting.

Hua Liuyan ran quickly in front of Hua Nuanchun, her eyes were full of injuries.

"Mother, what they said is false, right? I am the real eldest daughter, right?"


Hua Nuanchun shook his head and sighed.

Even she is fake, let alone her daughter?
"Didn't you say that I am the most honorable? You lied to me!"

Hua Liuyan sat on the ground slumped, his eyes lost their luster.

"This is fate! Now that the real daughter-in-law is back, our family is over."

Hua Nuanchun's face was pale, and she sat weakly on the seat.

Seeing the mocking gazes of the Huazu people, she lost all face.

"Mother, don't you still have grandma? Grandma will definitely help us."

She looked at the grandma sitting in the high position, and saw that she also had a mournful face, and her heart trembled in the wind.

"It's fake, it's all fake. Starting from your grandma, we don't have a real direct descendant in our lineage."

Hua Nuanchun said to Hua Liuyan, making her stiff as if struck by a thunderbolt.

"Great-granddaughter met grandma and grandpa."

Yun Jinli stood gracefully on the carpeted aisle in the middle, and gracefully greeted them with the etiquette of meeting the elders, which was completely in everyone's style.

Many people thought that even if she was a descendant of the Hua family, she would be very vulgar if she lived outside for many years.

Unexpectedly, her words and deeds are full of dignity, very elegant and decent.

They didn't know why Yun Jinli, who had been living outside since she was a child, had such a quality.

If they knew that her biological father was actually the emperor of the strongest empire on the other side of the continent, they would probably be surprised.

The three words "Yunjinli" are familiar even in Longyuan Continent.

The shining pearl of Huangyun Continent, the most honorable queen of Qingyun.

She was born in the most powerful empire, and she received the best nurturing and training in court etiquette from the moment she was born. How could these ladies from ordinary families be able to compare?
The former queen, even if she started from the beginning with nothing and walked down step by step, she could still shine with dazzling brilliance.

"Good boy, welcome home."

Patriarch Hua walked down in person, holding Yun Jinli's hand, with a look of joy on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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