Chapter 1143

"This is the token of our Hua clan's daughter, the red lotus ring. When inheriting the position of patriarch, the previous patriarch will open the seal of the red lotus ring."

Patriarch Hua stretched out his hand to caress the red lotus ring in Yun Jinli's hand.

"Grandma, I'm afraid I won't be able to inherit the position of Patriarch of the Hua Clan."

When Yun Jinli's voice fell, everyone was stunned.

No one expected that someone would refuse to inherit the position of Patriarch of the Hua Clan.

"Why not?"

The head of the Hua family asked, the position of the head of the family is passed on to the daughter-in-law, if she doesn't accept it, then the Hua family will have no successors?
"Because I am the patriarch of the Liu Clan now."

Yun Jinli said seriously that although the Liu family is small, she has never disliked her mother's family.

"This is easy, then you can become the patriarch of the two clans at the same time."

The Hua patriarch thought it was something, but he didn't expect it to be just this matter.

"Patriarch, her surname is not Hua."

A member of the Hua clan said that the patriarch must have the surname Hua.

"What's the matter if the surname is not Hua? She is the purest direct blood of our Hua clan, and some people whose surname is Hua are useless."

The Hua patriarch said loudly that what she decided would not change.

"She is the legitimate daughter of our Hua clan. No matter what her surname is, she is the most honorable princess of our Hua clan. If the surname is Hua, then we will give her a Hua name and record it on the family tree, or it will be over. ?"

When she said that, everyone had nothing to say.

It's just a name. When recording the genealogy, it is enough to use a picture name.

This is also a way.

Usually let her use her own name, so that she can have both.

"Good boy, what name do you think of? We will record it on the family tree."

The Hua patriarch said that if the Hua clan's genealogy has a different name, it is not in compliance with the rules. When succeeding the new patriarch, the name must be written down, so she asked Yun Jinli to choose one by herself.

"Then it's called Huayunliu."

Yun Jinli gave herself a nickname, and when Bei Chenjue heard the name, he slammed it on the spot.

She made up a name called Liu Yunhua before, but now it's easier, she reversed the name, and it's a new name.

It's just not too lazy.

Both names are her family's surname, her surname is Yun, her concubine's surname is Liu, and her grandmother's surname is Hua.

"Isn't the concubine called Liu Yunhua? The patriarch's name is Hua Yunliu, is it too casual?"

Someone knew the name of Yun Jinli's Liu family, and couldn't help but mutter.

"The name Hua Yunliu is very good, as long as the surname is Hua."

Patriarch Hua patted Yun Jinli's hand, and then personally unsealed the red lotus ring.

Drawing the vein of Liuyan, I saw the red lotus in the red lotus ring slowly blooming, and then flew to the sky, turning into countless flower shadows.

Red lotuses appeared in the sky, and the spectacle was amazing.

Everyone felt a powerful force sweeping past, but this force made people feel very comfortable, like being bathed in warm wind.

"From today onwards, she is the new patriarch of our Hua clan."

The former head of the Hua clan said that her name is Hua Yurong, and now that she has stepped down from the position of patriarch, she is no longer the head of the Hua clan.

"Congratulations to the new patriarch, we will definitely follow the lead of the new patriarch."

Hua Qingqiu said, his lineage is loyal to Hua Yurong, so he is very supportive of her decision.

Hua Yurong is his own grandparent, so they are very close, not as distant as Hua Nuanchun and the others.

Seeing that the position of patriarch was succeeded by Yun Jinli, Hua Nuanchun was not happy.

(End of this chapter)

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