Chapter 1144 Everything Will Be Taken Back
"Even if the talent of our Liuyan bloodline is not as good as hers, our bloodline has worked hard in the Hua clan. It is really chilling for the patriarch not to give Liuyan a chance."

Hua Nuanchun opened his mouth and said that even if Yun Jinli inherited the position of the Hua Clan's patriarch, she would be a stumbling block.

Their lineage has been operating in the Hua Clan for many years, and many people hold the power of the Hua Clan. Now if she is asked to hand it over, she will naturally refuse.

"And I think the new patriarch is so young, so she naturally needs a lot of help from the elders. The Hua clan's power, when she grows up, we elders will naturally hand it over."

"Don't bother me, what's the matter with this aunt, you are just a small collateral, how are you qualified to hold the power of the painting clan?"

Yun Jinli looked at Hua Nuanchun and said bluntly.

"If you think I'm still young, it's easy to handle! My mother can naturally help me, she is the real direct line, not like some counterfeit."

Hua Nuanchun's face turned livid, thinking of the difference between the status of the Hua family's direct lineage and collateral lineage, it was like falling from heaven to hell.

"I forgot to tell you that the three generations of their family are all fake direct descendants. In order to replace the direct direct descendants, they secretly dropped the bag and left our lineage outside. This kind of crime is a heinous crime among the Hua clan."

Yun Jinli sternly said that the truth of the year was exposed in public, and everyone in Hua Nuanchun panicked.

The so-called family ugliness should not be publicized. Originally they believed that this matter would be suppressed, but they did not expect Yun Jinli to expose them in public.

In this way, they will have no place in the painting clan, and everything will be taken back.

"The first thing I have to do after becoming the patriarch of the Hua clan today is to clean up the door."

Yun Jinli said domineeringly, confronting Hua Nuanchun tit for tat.

Zhao Xiang's old wounds hadn't healed yet, and seeing the new patriarch act so resolutely, he couldn't help frowning.

He had given up the idea of ​​helping Hua Liuyan, so he had no way to fight for her as the patriarch.

And even if he speaks, he can't change the result, the opponent is too domineering.

"You have no proof, don't talk nonsense!"

Hua Nuanchun suddenly felt flustered and wanted to struggle again.

"My words are evidence, and there is no need to explain anything to you. Come, search them, deprive the children of the Hua clan of their identities, and expel them from the Hua clan. They will never be allowed to step into the Hua clan."

Yun Jinli opened his mouth and said, immediately the elders of the Hua clan took action to restrain them, searched them for everything, and expelled them from the Hua clan on the spot.

"You can't drive me away! I am the eldest lady of the Hua clan!"

Hua Liuyan was deprived of her identity as Miss Hua Clan in public and expelled from the Hua Clan. Unable to accept this fact, she yelled.

She looked at Yun Jinli with hatred, and wanted to rush over, but was restrained by the Hua clan's law enforcement team, and she was dragged out and thrown outside the Hua clan.

"All this lineage is expelled from the painting clan, and it will be executed immediately."

Yun Jinli immediately ordered that Hua Qingqiu and the members of the Hua clan led by Huadong carry out her order immediately.

The concubine Ji who designed the package back then looked at Sheng Lao with teary eyes, but Sheng Lao did not intercede for her.

He was almost killed by her daughter, and there was no love between them.

Even though Hua Nuanchun's lineage is powerful, now the other two forces have joined forces, coupled with the threat of the elders of the Hua clan and Xuehai Tiangong, Hua Nuanchun's lineage has been completely eradicated.

They can't take anything that belongs to the Hua clan.

Seeing that the new patriarch had just succeeded to the throne, the envoys of all clans kicked out the strongest clan, and they were all terrified.

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(End of this chapter)

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