The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1145 The Time-Space Jade Bead of Tiangong

Chapter 1145 The Time-Space Jade Bead of Tiangong

They also did not expect that the other two forces of the Hua clan would support the new patriarch who had no foundation.

They didn't know what happened last night, Huadong naturally cooperated with Yun Jinli in order to eradicate Hua Nuanchun and the others.

Now that Hua Liuyan and the others were kicked out, Huadong sent troops to chase them down.

Naturally, Yun Jinli would not let Hua Liuyan go, and had secretly asked Bi Luo to follow her.

She had just succeeded the patriarch, and if she directly started killing people, it might destabilize the hearts of the Hua clan.

Therefore, expelling those people from the painting clan is a relatively gentle way of dealing with it, and everyone can accept it.

As for private grievances, just settle them secretly.

"Congratulations to the new patriarch. This is the time-space jade bead of our Xuehai Tiangong. When you are free, crush this time-space jade bead to open a door to the Tiangong."

The envoy of Xuehai Tiangong handed a bead to Yun Jinli.

They came here to confirm the new patriarch of the Hua Clan. She can go to Xuehai Tiangong to study and practice, and become the spokesperson of Tiangong in Longyuan Continent.

"This is the token of the Heavenly Palace. You can enter the Heavenly Palace smoothly by showing the token when the time comes."

"Thank you messenger."

Yun Jinli put away the token of the Tiangong, wondering what the current Xuehai Tiangong is like.

She had heard Bai Li mention Xuehai Tiangong a long time ago, and she also had some pictures about Xuehai Tiangong in her memory, but she had never been there in person.

Maybe one day, she will go to Xuehai Tiangong.

"The deity will bid farewell."

The task of the envoy of the Heavenly Palace was completed, and the group left Qiane Garden.

"We also bid farewell."

After the birthday celebrations were over, all the clans took their leave one after another, wanting to pass back the news of the new leader of the Hua clan.

This news is so cool!

The Crown Princess is not only the eldest daughter of the Hua family, but also directly inherits as the head of the family.

This identity is incomparably precious.

As all the ethnic groups left one after another, there were only a few people left here.

"The birthday celebration is over, why doesn't the Lord of Xiling leave? Do you still want to stay for dinner?"

Bei Chenjue opened his mouth and said, seeing that Xilingtian hadn't left, he opened his mouth to chase him away.

"This king is not here to celebrate his birthday, but to collect debts."

Xilingtian said, standing with his hands behind his back, exuding the aura of a king.

"I don't know what kind of debt you are here to collect?"

Hua Yurong asked, she could see that Xilingtian was of extraordinary status, since she was a member of the Xiling tribe, she did not neglect her.

The Xiling people are as old as the Hua people, especially the Xiling kings of each generation are even more awe-inspiring.

"Our Xiling tribe has something that was placed in your Hua tribe, and now we are here to pick it up."

Xi Lingtian said slowly, with a hint of arrogance in his tone.

"Could it be the Nine Palace Dream Lock in the magic tower in Taigu Town, Houshan?"

Hua Yurong knew that the ancestors together with the Xiling tribe suppressed the ancient evil spirits, but wondered if Xilingtian came to ask for this thing.

"This thing should be regarded as a congratulatory gift for the new patriarch. The king wants to take another thing. The seed was placed in the holy pool of your painting clan back then, and it should be raised now."

Xilingtian said.

"I know there is something in the holy pool, but I don't know what it is? But no matter what it is, since it belongs to the Xiling tribe, we will return it."

Hua Yurong did not deny that it belonged to the Xiling tribe, and there was indeed something in the holy pool that the Xiling tribe put in the Hua tribe.

Back then, the Xiling tribe helped suppress the ancient evil spirit, and as a condition, the Hua tribe would help them raise a seed.

"It's okay to tell you, that seed is Jingshilian."

Xilingtian said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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