The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1147 Who Wants You To Meddle With Your Business

Chapter 1147 Who Wants You To Meddle With Your Business

"You can beat that evil thing to death?"

Xilingtian knew that it was difficult to deal with, but he didn't expect that Yun Jinli would find it and beat him until he escaped.

"It's best to find the remaining evil things, otherwise it will be troublesome."

"I will naturally settle this matter. There is no need for the Lord Xiling to worry about it. Since you have got what you want, please leave."

Bei Chenjue said bluntly, full of hostility towards Xilingtian.

"This king originally wanted to leave, but now he just doesn't want to leave. It won't be too late for this king to leave after the evil thing is caught."

When Xilingtian heard that Bei Chenjue wanted him to leave so much, he refused to let him go.

"You are really a shameless person."

Bei Chenjue said coldly, he didn't expect Xilingtian to stay.

"This lord is the righteousness of saving lives. Our Xiling tribe and the Hua tribe have known each other for many years. Now that the Hua tribe is in trouble, this lord will help us out of love and reason."

Xilingtian is not the simple and easy-to-buy master at the moment, and he said it with righteous words, which makes it impossible to refute.

"Who wants you to meddle in your own business."

Bei Chenjue glanced at him disdainfully, the relationship between the two of them was about to explode at any moment.

"Stop! Stop! Then ask the two great gods to investigate together and see who can find the evil thing first."

Yun Jinli also knew that she had to find the evil thing, otherwise she had just become the patriarch of the Hua clan, and she would soon become a poor commander.

"Then let's compare."

Xilingtian and Beichenjue were full of fighting spirit, and immediately searched for the escaped evil thing according to their own abilities.

"Li'er, that evil thing is too dangerous, can our Hua clan really get through this difficulty safely?"

Hua Yurong said worriedly, her eyes were full of worry.

"Grandma, don't worry, you can definitely find that evil thing. Just leave everything to me, you just prepare and reunite with grandma and the others!"

Yun Jinli took Grandma Grandma's hand and spoke to comfort her.

Now that grandma is getting old, she doesn't want grandma to worry about these things anymore.

"It's weak now, and there won't be any big troubles for the time being. I have one more thing to discuss with you, and I need to gather people who can talk to the painting clan to discuss it."

"Then let's go to the meeting hall!"

Hua Yurong didn't know what she was going to discuss with everyone, but it was an internal matter of their Hua Clan, so it was good to discuss it in the meeting hall.


Soon the important personnel of the Hua Clan gathered in the meeting hall, and without the people from Hua Nuanchun's lineage, the atmosphere of the Hua Clan became much better.

Yun Jinli sat on top of the main seat, and the other seniors sat aside, followed by the juniors.

Everyone didn't know what kind of person the new patriarch was, and felt uneasy for a while.

Especially when they saw her vigorously driving Hua Nuanchun out of the Hua clan, they were even more disturbed, worried that the Hua patriarch would be difficult to get along with.

"You don't need to be nervous. Since I am your patriarch, I am a family with you. I asked everyone to come here. There are a few things to announce and discuss."

Yun Jinli said calmly, seeing so many people, she didn't feel stage fright at all.

Everyone originally thought that she might not be qualified for the position of patriarch at such a young age, but now it seems that she is very mature and stable, how does she look like a child?
The audience fell silent, waiting for her announcement.

"First, although there are differences between the descendants and concubines of the Hua clan, it is strictly forbidden for the descendants to enslave the concubines from the same line, and the status of both parties is equal. As long as the Hua clan collaterals are talented and have made great contributions to the Hua clan, they can Obtain a higher position and more cultivation resources."

Yun Jinli announced the first rule of her succession, which brought tears to the eyes of the branch of the Hua clan.

(End of this chapter)

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