Chapter 1148 My words are rules

It is also the blood of the Hua family, but the children of the collateral line have been treated unfairly, and even become slaves of the direct line, which is very humiliating to them.

Now this rule of the new patriarch made them cry with joy on the spot, and their hearts were filled with joy.

"Patriarch, this is the ancestral rule, is it inappropriate to change it like this?"

A conservative elder spoke.

"The old rules of our Hua clan used to be abolished if they are not suitable. Now that I am the patriarch, don't talk to me about the rules of the ancestors. My words are the rules."

Yun Jinli said domineeringly, that aura silenced the audience.

Seeing that she shocked everyone, Hua Yurong couldn't help but nodded, thinking that this great-granddaughter is really domineering, she has the demeanor she once had, and even more powerful.

At her age, she was not as domineering.

"Second, the issue I want to discuss with you is related to the life and death of the entire painting family. Although I have already made a decision, I still want to discuss it with you."

Yun Jinli's dignified voice made them all listen carefully.

"This is about the relocation of the painting clan."

"What? Our painting family has taken root here for thousands of years."

"This place is our root, how can we move the family?"

"Without this valley, is that still our family's home?"

"Patriarch, are you being too hasty?"


Regarding this matter, many people objected at once.

An ancient family like the Hua family has never moved, let alone the Ju family.


Yun Jinli raised her hand. Although everyone still had a lot of objections to say, they could only calm down.

"Listen to what I have to say first, and then express your own opinions, can you?"

She glanced at the crowd, and they nodded, wanting to hear what reason she had to convince them.

Even Hua Yurong and Sheng Lao felt that Yun Jinli's proposal to move the clan was too hasty.

Even if the evil thing escaped, they haven't reached the step of relocating their clan, have they?

"There is a terrifying creature in this world called the worm, which comes from the endless abyss of the Nine Nether Yellow Springs. It can devour all living things and turn into a living form. The most terrifying thing about the worm is not that they have the power to devour, but It is that they have almost no nemesis. Once they appeared ten thousand years ago, and now they will be born again."

Yun Jinli told them the news that the locust borer was about to appear in the world, and the younger generation didn't have any special reaction yet, they were just a little scared.

The older generation was terrified by the news, and their faces turned pale with fright.

"Erosion moth, is it really about to appear?"

They only now know the name of the black mist, and according to Yun Jinli's description, it must be that kind of black mist.

The elders all know the horror of locust moths, if they were to appear in the world, it would be a terrible catastrophe.

"If they are alive, I am afraid that everyone will die, and even the Hua family will disappear."

The knowledgeable elder spoke with a serious expression on his face.

"But the appearance of this locust moth, does it have anything to do with our family relocation?"

"This question is a good question. In order to prevent the day when the worms appear, we have no place to stay. I expanded Jiangxue City and gathered countless masters of formations to set up barriers to block the worms."

Yun Jinli said slowly.

"Besides, there are plenty of food and water sources in Jiangxue City, which is the hope of survival. Although I can't be sure when the locust moth will return to the world, that day is not far away."

Hearing her words, everyone panicked.

"If you want your family to survive, then move your family to Jiangxue City."

 The recommendation ticket and five-star full score are highly recommended, and given to Her Majesty the Queen!

  Thanks for the cutest little snowflake! ^_^

(End of this chapter)

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