Chapter 1152 Little Yunduo is safe

"It seems that you are still faster, and this king lost."

Xilingtian saw that Bei Chenjue and Yun Jinli were both here, and the outcome of his contest with Beichenjue had already been revealed.

"Winning or losing doesn't matter, as long as Little Yunduo is safe."

Bei Chenjue spoke, his tone softened a little.

They didn't realize that the evil thing hadn't been completely wiped out just now, so they put Yun Jinli in danger. Fortunately, Xilingtian took the timely action and wiped out the grass.

"Life is like a play, how can we win or lose?"

Yun Jinli walked from the lake to the shore, and Bei Chenjue froze the lake again.

"It seems that there is nothing to do without us. The great master went to practice."

Seeing that the matter had been resolved, Master Luanqing and Bai Li went back to practice in the Nine Soul Jade.

Although there are a few perverted five-spirit flowers there, it has to be said that it is a good place for cultivation.

They are going to the demon world soon, how can they do it if they are not well prepared?

Baili's younger sister, Qinghu Lingzu, practices desperately every day in order to avenge the devil Emperor Yintu one day.

Whether it's her own vendetta or her brother's vendetta, she will find Yintu to settle it.

"Xiaotian, the locust borer will reappear in the world, you should prepare early."

Yun Jinli said to Xilingtian that she was not sure when the borers would appear, but it was necessary to be prepared.

"Is the worm about to break through the seal?"

When Xilingtian heard the news, his expression was particularly solemn.

"The king knows."

He didn't ask whether the news was true or not. Since Yun Jinli said it, he believed it couldn't be false.

"The king should go, we will meet later."

He was too aware of the horror of the borer, so he rushed back to make preparations immediately.

"Jue, have you notified the news that the locust will appear?"

Yun Jinli asked, she believed that the words on the stone tablet were correct, if not prepared, many people would die.

She is not a savior, but she doesn't want to watch so many innocent people die.

"I have already sent people to spread the news to the Three Thousand Spirit Realms, but because there is no exact time and no evidence that the locust moth will appear, many people do not believe it and have not reacted."

Bei Chenjue replied that people wouldn't prepare for some things if they didn't really happen.

After the disaster strikes, it is too late to prepare.

"It's not difficult. After we got married, you spread the news that there was a locust borer in a certain place, and it caused huge casualties. No matter whether it is true or not, it can ring alarm bells in people's hearts."

Yun Jinli gave him an idea to release a fake news, and if there were many people who said it, people would believe it.

"I'm afraid the people will fall into panic."

Bei Chenjue expressed his worries. Although the news would have some effect, he was afraid that it would cause everyone to panic.

"As long as the borers are temporarily sealed, everyone will not be afraid. The most important thing is to let everyone know that the seal will not be broken forever, so they will think of a way."

Yun Jinli feels that one Jiangxue City is not enough, but they have no way to build more cities like Jiangxue City, which are forbidden and enchanted. Can't afford it.

"By the way, I want to move the Hua Clan to Jiangxue City. With the Hua Clan there, even if the other forces are envious of Jiang Xuecheng, they can only stare blankly."

"The painting clan wants to move?"

Bei Chenjue looked at Yun Jinli in surprise, how could they agree to such a big move as the new patriarch just took over?
 The encouragement of the little snowflakes is the motivation for Geer to write the book.

  Babies remind you gently, the watch is too rough! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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