The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1153 Origin of Xinghai Building's Name

Chapter 1153 Origin of Xinghai Building's Name


Yun Jinli said with certainty that as soon as the notification is completed, the preparations for the family relocation can begin.

"Can they agree?"

Bei Chenjue asked, feeling a little unbelievable.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for an ancient and powerful clan like the Hua clan to move.

It is more likely that the old patriarch will propose to move the clan, considering the prestige of the patriarch.

But she is just a new patriarch, and she might be rejected immediately if she made such a suggestion.

"You must agree."

Yun Jinli took Bei Chenjue's hand and walked on the grass by the lake.

"You are really amazing, you can actually convince these old guys."

Bei Chenjue knew that most of the clan elders who refused to move the clan, since they agreed, it meant that Yun Jinli persuaded them.

"If you're not great, how can you become your princess?"

Yun Jinli said confidently, making Xiao DianDian couldn't help but chuckle.

"Miss Sister is so narcissistic!"

"Dian Dian, sister, this is called self-confidence, okay?"

Yun Jinli patted Little Diandian's head, now that You Epiphyllum has awakened, it's just the love between the two of them, I don't know when it will continue.

Now Xiaodiandian hasn't recovered yet, so let him be carefree for now.

He will naturally know many things in the future.


Xiao DianDian replied obediently, without arguing with the young lady.

"My lady is right."


Hearing his words, Bei Chenjue couldn't help blushing.

"Jue, it's getting dark, let's go see the stars together."

Yun Jinli and Bei Chenjue made an appointment to go to the Xinghai Tower to watch the stars. Now that night is falling, they don't know what the Xinghai Tower looks like.


Bei Chenjue responded, with a pampering look on his face.

Whatever she wants, he will be with her.

"Miss sister, I know the way back, so I won't disturb your sweet time with Brother Beichen!"

Xiao DianDian waved her little hand towards them, then ran towards the side of the road and returned to her residence by herself.

"This kid is really a big kid."

Seeing that Xiaodiandian was so clever, Bei Chenjue couldn't help but speak.

"Xiao DianDian is actually not young at all. If his age is really counted, it would be terrifying."

Yun Jinli remembered Xiao DianDian's true identity, and didn't know how long he would be by her side.

"How big can it be?"

Bei Chenjue asked curiously.

"It's very, very big."

Yun Jinli replied, leaving Bei Chenjue speechless for a while.

Is this also called an answer?

The two talked and laughed all the way to Xinghai Tower, because Yun Jinli is now the head of the Hua clan, so she can come here anytime.

Others cannot come here unless there is a special time.

There are no other people here at night, so there is not even a single light, and it looks completely dark.


Bei Chenjue pushed open the gate of Xinghai Building, and the pitch-black night was suddenly illuminated by the stars all over the sky.

When Yun Jinli saw the mural of stars in front of him, it actually shone brightly, making people feel like they were in the sea of ​​stars.

"So that's how the name of Xinghai Building came about."

"Let's go up."

Bei Chenjue took Yun Jinli's hand and walked up the floating steps step by step.

They seemed to be walking in the sea of ​​stars, and the mural in front of them turned into a galaxy waterfall, hanging down from the nine heavens.

Walking to the top of the Xinghai Tower, Yun Jinli saw the stars in the sky, as if they were very close to her, and she seemed to be able to pick the stars with her hand.

"so beautiful!"

Yun Jinli saw two reclining chairs on the top floor, and the two sat on the reclining chairs, looking up at the stars, holding each other's hands.

At this moment, the distance between their two hearts is very close.

 Give the daily recommendation ticket to Xiao Yunduo! O(∩_∩)O

(End of this chapter)

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