Chapter 1154

The night wind blows slowly, and the wind carries the smell of grass and trees, as well as the smell of acacia in the valley.

"Little Yunduo, do you know? There is a Milky Way above the Xinghai Tower, and there is a stone tablet in the river, named the Seventh Star Monument."

Bei Chenjue's clear and pleasant voice is full of magnetism, falling unhurriedly, like the gurgling of flowing water, which makes people feel comfortable when listening to it.

"What is the function of this Seventh Star Monument?"

Yun Jinli asked curiously, then turned to look at him.

His pair of clear blue eyes became brighter and brighter in the night, making her soul seem to fall into it.

"The Seventh Star Stele is a very special stone tablet. It is said that only those who truly love each other can leave their names on the Seventh Star Stele. Engraving the names of a pair of lovers can form a seventh generation marriage."

There was a faint smile on the corner of his lips, and the silver threads on his clothes gleamed faintly under the light of the stars.

"Life is too short, I want to be husband and wife with you life after life. Would you like to form a bond with me for seven lives?"

"it is good."

Yun Jinli nodded, and responded with one gulp.

"But is there really such a stele?"

She glanced at the sky, but didn't see the Milky Way and the Seventh Star Monument he was talking about.

"I said yes, so of course there is. If you don't believe me, take a look."

Bei Chenjue hugged Yun Jinli horizontally, and flew directly into the sky, passing through the brilliance of the stars.

Yun Jinli felt as if she had passed through a void, and in front of her was no longer the Xinghai Building, but a galaxy of stars.

Surrounded by starlight, the light is not dazzling, but it looks extremely beautiful.

In the center of the Milky Way, stands an ancient and vicissitudes of stone monument, which looks like countless stars condensed, shining with silver light.

"This is the Star Monument of the Seventh World."

Bei Chenjue carried her to the front of the Seventh Star Monument, and then let her go.

"How can I engrave my name? With a knife?"

Yun Jinli condensed a carving knife and tried to write on the Seventh Star Stele, but nothing was left, not even a trace.

"Don't you love me? That's why I can't leave my name?"

She looked at Bei Chenjue and asked seriously.

"Silly girl, what thoughts are in my little head, how can I not love you?"

Bei Chenjue said with a wry smile, she really convinced her that she would have such an idea.

He also wants himself to love her less, but love is already a habit, he loves her even with his breath.

"This Seventh World Stele is not engraved with a knife, but carved with heart."

"Carve it with your heart? It sounds so difficult."

It's trivial for Yun Jinli to engrave words directly with a knife, but what the hell is it to engrave a name with heart?

"You don't want to poach your heart?"

"Little Yunduo..."

When Bei Chenjue heard her serious words, he almost burst out laughing.

"You hold my hand and think of my name."

The two of them interlocked their fingers, closed their eyes, and silently thought of each other's names.

Yun Jinli seemed to be able to feel the frequency of his heartbeat, he was so close to herself, his heart and soul were very close.

The light shining on the Seventh Star Monument shrouded them.

The two names condensed by the stars were imprinted on the Seventh Star Monument.

"Did you make it?"

Yun Jinli felt that there seemed to be a flash of light, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the names of the two of them engraved on the Seventh Star Stele.

"Bei Chenjue."

"Yun Jinli."

The two names shone brightly, and finally merged into the Seventh Star Monument, as if they had never appeared before.

But if you look closely, you can see their presence.

 Good night little snowflake!

(End of this chapter)

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